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The Battle Of Apia


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well I have had avery interesting week of , police, accusations, counter accusations and black mail or attempted black mail...

Samoa and its Palagi wanna be and self styled feux Paramount cheif, business men who fire people and kick them out of the house and take their stuff illegally and then lie about people and things and stuff is all very interesting! and for what? a fear of one doing what they do...baseless accuasations buildt on fear and a need to control and cajole... mission failed from his part let me reassure you..

I have met some very very loyal and chur freinds that sit atop of the mountain here and have informed the ones down below to act in various ways... And then I have met people at the bottem ,looking up that seem to belive that they are also seated on high... but in reality... no...

all will be revealed when I get home... and I tell u what , ! its an intriging tale ... and this one will be well known ....


Another head has been added to the pallacades of the temple of the 9... and this is the biggest , fattest head thus far...


buy me a drink or a few and I will share

see u fullas on a d floor V soon!

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Delusions of granduer.


So what was his problem with the work you were doing? Was the project not on track? Underfunded? Distribution of Samoan Tourisim DVD not garunteed? Too many zombies??

je correct [proceedures and not listing to me about the work flow of editing and quadrupling my work load


basically he was fucked ..in all aspects doesnt play well with others... i was the 3rd pderson who worked with him in samoa that he fired but i was the one he fucked with the most due to some info I have ....

... dvd was on schedule... even though he made it very very hard ...

basically denouncing correct [proceedures and not listeng to me about the work flow of editing and quadrupling my work load

all the while tryinmg to control and manipulate me, and me being me , I told him on numerous occasions to stop... Im 32 and have the ability and street smarts to go out in samoa with out him breething down my neck like in a child...


over all... Samoa is dope,,, love it there and cant wait to get back...

but my ex boss Dennios A smioth , owner of Go Kiwi Internet..IS FUCKED....

for any more info ask me in personb... Im stepping this up a little via media and lawyers so yah have to go off line...

bak in ak now... cant wait to hit the club... and saev som e money to get back so to enact a business venture I have started

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Sounds like heaps of life condensed into a small period of time in a far away land.


I remember the pressure when Demon sent me to Ireland to hock the remainder of our BZP, heavy. Heaps of reporting and stuff too, nigga's wanna know they ain't sent the basshead on a joyride.


I'm comin back tomorrow to hock more Demon till I find somethin solid in the Sth, see you in the mix old mate.

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Island counties = fucked up beyond belief.


Cousin works in vanuatu and the random stories I've heard (fuck he even got accused of murder once because the crazy bitch he was fucking arranged for her husband to end up down a fucking volcano courtesy of the natives... )... and then later accused of firebombing the Bank Manager.


Wild fucking west out there when the natives get restless.

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Island counties = fucked up beyond belief.


Cousin works in vanuatu and the random stories I've heard (fuck he even got accused of murder once because the crazy bitch he was fucking arranged for her husband to end up down a fucking volcano courtesy of the natives... )... and then later accused of firebombing the Bank Manager.


Wild fucking west out there when the natives get restless.


true story ; olds live in vanuatu and were picking up some locals to do some work... roll up, one of them has a white bandage wrapped around their whole head.. old lady asks what wrong, he replies "i've gotta headache". it truly is planet of the apes, adults with childrens brains - no racsim here, thats just the way it is... the jail up there is classic, prisoners just walk out, go home for a feed, come back, then get delt to by the army, severely.. even for xmas they've let them go home to their families.. money talks in vanuatu otherwise takes a very long time to build solid trust which is the key to suceed, and i assume the same for other islands, shits very corrupt, gotta play the game smoothly.

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Island counties = fucked up beyond belief.


Cousin works in vanuatu and the random stories I've heard (fuck he even got accused of murder once because the crazy bitch he was fucking arranged for her husband to end up down a fucking volcano courtesy of the natives... )... and then later accused of firebombing the Bank Manager.


Wild fucking west out there when the natives get restless.


true story ; olds live in vanuatu and were picking up some locals to do some work... roll up, one of them has a white bandage wrapped around their whole head.. old lady asks what wrong, he replies "i've gotta headache". it truly is planet of the apes, adults with childrens brains - no racsim here, thats just the way it is... the jail up there is classic, prisoners just walk out, go home for a feed, come back, then get delt to by the army, severely.. even for xmas they've let them go home to their families.. money talks in vanuatu otherwise takes a very long time to build solid trust which is the key to suceed, and i assume the same for other islands, shits very corrupt, gotta play the game smoothly.



yup sounds like Samoa... Now dont get me wrong its a fucking dope place... I actually love it there and got well down with the peeps more than most tourists any ways.....But the level of corruption is rediculous.. its def a case of the T.R.E.A.M mentality there (when I say T.R.E.A.M its a wee play on words IE wu tangs C.R.E.A.M steez but instead its Tala Rules Everything Around Me.. The amount of times I saw the sly hand off of cash was rediculous... But hey? the poverty line is very obvious there and basically unless your a member of a waelthy family with interests in business or what ever life is a struggle on the daily and there are zero safty nets to be caught by. Basically the state doesbt give a fuck if you sink or swim and when sinking they will place their Lead jandel on top of your head and count the tala as you sink..... I kinda got the impression that life is very cheap there unless you are part of the elite..

One night when out and about in Apia drinking I witnessed a very real example of this. An australian dude pissed as fuck was hustling for what we innitally thought to be drugs , he got into a wee argument with one of the local gangsters... A dude that I had previously met on another occasion . We later discovered that it was about the sutralian dude getting a girl. The cops were watching from accross the road as the bouncer "interviened" and the gangsters boys all appeared from the darkness.. basically the australian dude was seconds away from getting his head stomped by a group of about 10 dudes one who was being held back after stating emphatically that he would slash his neck and keep his head as a trophy , the cops all heard this and watched it and did nothing, The Australian guy was then bundled over to his car accross the road and we all thought that he was about to be taken out so we rocked over to diffuse the situation.. after a few minutes of swearing and tyelling in samoan and english the situation was resolved and the dude (gangster) who was stating that he was wanting to take the head of the australian dude was then hugging him and saying "its all good Uso, we be sweet". The Australian dude got in his car , drunk as fuck, infront of the cops, the gangsters all climbed in his car and off they went... happy as fuck with a gurl that the dude was scheduled to fuck driving... Me and my freinds were like holy shit that dudes gonna either be completely fucking beaten in the morning or wake up to no cash no car and no wet dick , If he is lucky... The cops just laughed and went on their way

But thats just how shit rolls. In samoa its a web of intrige and hypocrisy. theres the palagi (white mans) system that sits there looking officail and rightous and then not to far under the surface there is the Fa'a Samoa steez which is the actual way things are done and never the twain shall meet...

It was amazing going there and I cant wait to get back But the realities on the streets away from the shiny flashy and beautiful vistas of the south pacific paradice that Samoa is set up towards and for the tourist $ is the most gritty and heavy scene I have encountered..

Its bizzare you know, Like I kinda envisage samoa as the anti cuba. like a weird mix of complete conservatism and state hierachy that will always be what it is and never change,,, Like if Cuba is a place stuck in time , in a cold war mentality where the threat of nuclear erradication loomed at any moment where Imperialism V Communism meet and jostle for the future Then Samoa is a place where Tribalism and Conservative capitalism meet and jostle for the future but the weirdest thing is , that like cuba the mentality and ideology of Samoa works. for them. and above everything else all its issues and poverty en masse the population are content, Crime is very very low and the standard of life even though there is mega poverty is very very high, Samoans all know and love their culture and history and to be honest its epic .. They have everything they need there and they lead long happy lives ..and they dont need 90% of the shit we have here. and I say more power to them...

It seems like they would have no freedom or room to move but in reality they (the people of samoa ) are far freer than we will ever be... just like the people of cuba...

They have limited consumer wants and arnt fodder for mass marketing and hyper capitalist spend fests...they live in paradice and if they want it they can walk down the road catch a fish , pick some taro and a pineapple and coconuts and mangos and have epic feeds...

.... and whats even better that its all free....and has no chemicals or perservatives in it... Before I left people told me that I would go to Samoa and get fat and come back a changed person....

half of that statement is correct... half of its false... Yup I have come back a changed person , for the better I must add.. but when I was there i actually lost 5kgs.. why? the heat and the food... . When I got back and still actually now Im haviong majpor issues with my stomach due to the food that I have been eating here and def feel way worse... and the thing I put it down too is because of all the chemicals and additives in our food.. as when I was in Samoa all the food was fresh and organic and thats a give in... it makes you think.. .....

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