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Favorate Directors....


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Stanley Kubrick

Alfred Hitchcock

David Lynch

Takashi Miike

Michelangelo Antonioni/Coen Bros/Tarantino/Gaspar Noe/Scorcese

and whats your reasoning?


(am guttered I didnt get to see Gasper Noes most recent film...siiigh I love irreversible)


Each of those mentioned above have produced two or more films that have left me with my mouth wide open. Exquisite direction, assured handling of a script, assured handling of actors, stunning cinematography, and the ability to startle and challenge me (amongst other things)...


Kubrick: The Killing, 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange

Hitchcock: Psycho, Vertigo, Rear Window, Rope

Lynch: Eraserhead, Blue Velvet, Mulholland Dr., Twin Peaks' first season

Miike: Audition, Dead or Alive Pt.1 & 2, The Happiness of the Katakuris, Visitor Q

Antonioni: Blow Up, The Passenger

Coen Bros: Miller's Crossing, The Hudsucker Proxy, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, No Country for Old Men

Tarantino: Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill

Noe: Irreversible, Enter the Void

Scorcese: Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Goodfellas

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Definitely have agreeableness(thank you spell-check nazo's) with Tim Burton, Wes Anderson, Tarantino & Kubrick.

I would like to mention Terry Gilliam for his work on Brazil, 1984 and Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas.

He has an uncanny knack for putting the viewer IN the shoes of his main characters. Has done loads of other funny/epic stuff but these 3 are my fav's of his.

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1. Ridley Scott - Blade Runner & Alien


2. Peter Jackson - Bad Taste, greatest NZ movie ever made. Oh, and those movies about that ring.


3. Christopher Nolan - for finally making movies about Batman the way they should have always been instead of camp, cheesy or just weird. (Yea, screw you, Tim Burton fans)


4. Guillermo del Toro - Pans Labyrinth... 'nuff said.


5. Lau Kar-leung - If you dont know, you should.

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Kubrick - Watched A Clockwork Orange one day on a day off school and was instantly hooked on not only his films but it also made blockbuster films irrelavent to me.

Tarantino - Just so damn consistent, all his films are classics.

Scorcese - Same reason as above.

Coen Bros - So good for a dark and quirky time.

Darren Aronofsky - Beautiful, dark, depressing films.

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3. Christopher Nolan - for finally making movies about Batman the way they should have always been instead of camp, cheesy or just weird. (Yea, screw you, Tim Burton fans)


Still think the tim burton films (batman 1 and returns) were awesome

it's the joel schumacher ones that followed that brought on the camp, cheesy and just weird

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3. Christopher Nolan - for finally making movies about Batman the way they should have always been instead of camp, cheesy or just weird. (Yea, screw you, Tim Burton fans)


Still think the tim burton films (batman 1 and returns) were awesome

it's the joel schumacher ones that followed that brought on the camp, cheesy and just weird


In all honesty, I liked them... BUT, I thought they were too "Tim Burton" and not enough "Batman".

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Yeah I like the first 2.. I actually think the first Batman was the best one!


Not a huge fan of Tim Burton recent stuff but Edward Scissorhands FTW.


Wait a minute. Do you mean to say that dressing Johnny Depp up in campy goth clothing and putting mascara on him no longer counts as good directing and interesting character portrayal?

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Great bloody thread !


Stanley Kubrick - Heads should check 'Barry Lyndon' - As elaborate and detailed as 2001, and undoubtedly the most genuine period film ever made in terms of props, costumes and settings


Coen Brothers


Martin Scorcese


James Cameron


Peter Jackson (pre LOTR)


Honourable mentions also go to:


Michel Gondry/Paul Verhoeven/Ridley Scott/Quentin Tarantino

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welcome back Dick, havent seen you round here in a while but..
James Cameron




To be fair nobody can fuck with him as he's responsible for these:



Though Dick H may have been thinking more along these lines:



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Stanley Kubrick - Heads should check 'Barry Lyndon' - As elaborate and detailed as 2001, and undoubtedly the most genuine period film ever made in terms of props, costumes and settings




James Cameron






Oh yah def agree

Barry Lyndon is epic! Kubrick out did him self on that whan

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