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fuck im sick of this shit......


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It's not exactly a secret that certain parts of the Pacific Island and Maori communities have a violence problem... that doesn't mean that all/ most islanders are violent, and it doesn't mean that there isn't a violence problem in parts of other 'white' communities.


Blaming it on skin colour and saying shit like:


would those niggas have beaten up 2 black cunts walkn to ther car?


would a pack of 6 white cunts beat up two black dudes?


is just straight up racist and offensive IMO. If I was a 'black dude' reading this comment (as I'm sure there are some) then I would feel even more disgusted.


It's terrible that these kind of idiots exist that go around beating the crap out of people unprovoked, and it's all good to point out that they were islanders and that a lot of this shit is done by islanders, but that doesn't mean we should be racist and start labelling whole communities as violent based on their skin colour.

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It's terrible that these kind of idiots exist that go around beating the crap out of people unprovoked, and it's all good to point out that they were islanders and that a lot of this shit is done by islanders, but that doesn't mean we should be racist and start labelling whole communities as violent based on their skin colour.


Agreed. But I think they need to tackle the problem as a whole community. Which I'm sure many of them are trying to do with troubled youth programmes and what not. It just seems like an unfixable problem at the moment. The system fails them but you can't blame it all on that.

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they need to tackle the problem as a whole community

Saying that this is a problem for their community to sort out is racist in itself IMO.

Isnt this simply an issue for our community as a whole to address?


Racist... In no way whatsoever am I being racist there.

We are one nation yes, however we all have our own communities as well. For example, Maori People ----> Tribe -----> iwi ----> Hapu. Same thing applies imo.


For sure we need to address the issue as one but it's going to have more effect at a 'community' level.

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they need to tackle the problem as a whole community

Saying that this is a problem for their community to sort out is racist in itself IMO.

Isnt this simply an issue for our community as a whole to address?

We are one nation yes, but

There's always a but

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It's terrible that these kind of idiots exist that go around beating the crap out of people unprovoked, and it's all good to point out that they were islanders and that a lot of this shit is done by islanders, but that doesn't mean we should be racist and start labelling whole communities as violent based on their skin colour.


The system fails them but you can't blame it all on that.


You see thats the thing... the system is FAILING,,,Its completely built to margenalise and exploit all of us.. , the people that are exploited the most see people that seemingly arnt (in their eyes) being exploited (which is crap in itself ) as Imperial Capitalism doesnt see colour... so these people lash out at who they think to be their exploiters... devide and conqour keep the masses down at all costs least they unify and rise up and tear down the house of cards

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the people that are exploited the most see people that seemingly arnt (in their eyes) being exploited (which is crap in itself ) as Imperial Capitalism doesnt see colour



sorry ... let me rephrase


the people that get exploited the most (the poor, the people of colour,the elderly,the sick and vulnrable) See the people , that in their eyes are not being exploited, white middle class people which is a major misnoma as under the Imperial rule of capitalism, everyone is exploited. And the people that are the most exploited lash out at their percived enemies Or the people that they view as exploiting them.(ie white people being representatives of the people in power, the state at large, government offices, the bosses etcetc) When in actuality they should be attacking the system and not taking their anger out on the random dude rocking in the back streets of newton....


Sorry brain not working at full speed today

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ah, that makes a bit more sense.


However, i think this concept is probably a bit more complex than what is actually running through the minds of said attackers. Its core construct could be lurking in the backblocks of their subconscious ingrained by culture but yeah, i doubt its in the forefront of their mind.


We're talking about thugs not revolutionists.

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the people that get exploited the most (the poor, the people of colour,the elderly,the sick and vulnrable) See the people , that in their eyes are not being exploited, white middle class people which is a major misnoma as under the Imperial rule of capitalism, everyone is exploited. And the people that are the most exploited lash out at their percived enemies Or the people that they view as exploiting them.(ie white people being representatives of the people in power, the state at large, government offices, the bosses etcetc) When in actuality they should be attacking the system and not taking their anger out on the random dude rocking in the back streets of newton....


yeah ill say it again,my mates that were attacked are both maori,the one that is in hospital is very dark skinned....


i dont think these thugs are singling out any particular ethnic groups,be they pakeha,maori,polynesian, etc....they just want to fight and beat up anyone.


and ive run into plenty of white fuckwits over the years with the same mentality...

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ah, that makes a bit more sense.


However, i think this concept is probably a bit more complex than what is actually running through the minds of said attackers. Its core construct could be lurking in the backblocks of their subconscious ingrained by culture but yeah, i doubt its in the forefront of their mind.


We're talking about thugs not revolutionists.



I dunno twas jus my subjective...

which never gets listened to ever but if you look at it sociologically and ethnographically its totally obvious....

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Lets be honest we aren't talkin about Black people at all... (ie Of African descent .)


I've been brought up in South Auckland and the problem group that is being identified with here is a large portion of the Pacific Island population. (lets be honest their music ain't that good)

In my experience many Pacific Islanders are extremely racist, more so than Maori (whom have geniune reasons for discrediting colonial conquest)

Portions of the P.I.community have an unlogical and unfounded sense of antiestablishmentarianism, and even after the free health care, education, housing, and finance they recieve.

After all this they still manage have the audacity to have a 'fuck the Palagi' Attitude but fail to realise that it isn't the white man behind our societys infrastructure but Everyone Else (ie all races), People who are willing and able to put in their conribution to make our country a better place.


The problem is not race ie genetics, as there are many peace loving, friendly and contributing Pacific Islanders,

but I think it is very much so cultural, it is a negative sentiment that has developed with the post modern urbanised pacific Island communities. also plagarised from American urban culture, which in reality is a way harsher lifestyle than living life nursing off Aotearoas teat.


As for you comment Catalyst;


"I would say the common denominator is social conditions. I wonder what Otara would be like if wealth, education and opportunity was abundant."


Wealth for starters,

the problem area of the pacific Island community have a larger disposable income than most average Kiwi households whom have the responsiblity of a mortgage, rates, providing for their families, cost of living etc, in which in many cases is chosen to be spent on alcohol gambling and vice. And they are laughing all the way to the bank (eww... that was bad taste, I know...)


Education and Opportunity is abundant,

I have been to 2 decile 2 schools in Sth aucks and they where far better facilitated and Governmernt funded than the decile 4 school I went to later on, as far as funding goes they get whatever they ask for, no red tape nothing.


Any other schools that are decile 4 or above get zip or next to nothing, so where do they get their income?

Fundraising organised by the hardwork and ingenuity of its community members, parents, and staff, who have to take time out from the hard working, family raising lives to help benefit their kids as well as others.


On the other hand my sister works at a school in Otara (well funded I might add) and my girlfriend works in a school that is composed 80% of students from Otara and Manurewa.

The amount of havoc that they have to face on a daily basis from Pacific Islanders is rediculous.

Before my Girlfriend started workin there she thought I was a bit of a rascist when it came to Pacific Islanders, in which I would try to explain that it is a mere reflex response to the cultural oppression that is coming from this demographic, she now has realised the truth to this.


It was easy for her to be all P.C. coming from east auckland going to a decile 6 school and hanging out with a white and asian majority whom embraced what our country has to offer and offers back to 'their' country.

But when face with parents who tell their children 'don't do the fucken Palagi's homework' and 'never listen to a rich Palagi' assuming all white people are rich.

Her perception was brought into reality pretty quickly.



When I went to De La salle College (70% P.I. 15% Maori 15% other) for intermediate the amount of depravity and violence I saw in those 2 years has still not been topped in all the years since.


And in these circumstances of extreme violence, which i have been involved in as well

Being stabbed in the face with a hunting knife outside a pub when I was 18 by a 25 y.o. P.I who was 3 times my size, who's mate screwdrivered my friend multiple times for doin...

You guessed, it absolutley nothing.

It really makes you address the cold meathook realities of it all,


It is instances like this that arise the true racism, and you all need to realise that it is racist to bunch Maori and pacific islanders together (espcially as they are particulary rascist towards each other)

I hate true racsim more than anything, noe-nazi's skinheads and the likes shake me to my core, I simply cannot tolerate such blind hate.

But we cannot just simply be macchiato sipping boheimien liberals about all this, and blame society from a safe distance from the 'problem areas'

Truth be told I like living amongst pacific Island People and have many Pacifika friends but I will not ignore facts, stats and trends being an analogue of truth of what is really going on.

I feel we have become too P.C. over the years that people are to scared to address culltural problems by being labelled a racsist, when the true racsim is being implemented by violence by this misguided demographic.


I am definatley not suggesting a 'call for arms' but I will not tolerate any sugar coating of the facts, and will recognise the problems, as for the solution goes who knows, its a hard one but I can say that I wouldn't appreciate losing certain Liberties by having CCTV everywhere.


Whew... (end of Rant...)

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Lets be honest we aren't talkin about Black people at all... (ie Of African descent .)


I've been brought up in South Auckland and the problem group that is being identified with here is a large portion of the Pacific Island population. (lets be honest their music ain't that good)

In my experience many Pacific Islanders are extremely racist, more so than Maori (whom have geniune reasons for discrediting colonial conquest)

Portions of the P.I.community have an unlogical and unfounded sense of antiestablishmentarianism, and even after the free health care, education, housing, and finance they recieve.

After all this they still manage have the audacity to have a 'fuck the Palagi' Attitude but fail to realise that it isn't the white man behind our societys infrastructure but Everyone Else (ie all races), People who are willing and able to put in their conribution to make our country a better place.


The problem is not race ie genetics, as there are many peace loving, friendly and contributing Pacific Islanders,

but I think it is very much so cultural, it is a negative sentiment that has developed with the post modern urbanised pacific Island communities. also plagarised from American urban culture, which in reality is a way harsher lifestyle than living life nursing off Aotearoas teat.


As for you comment Catalyst;


"I would say the common denominator is social conditions. I wonder what Otara would be like if wealth, education and opportunity was abundant."


Wealth for starters,

the problem area of the pacific Island community have a larger disposable income than most average Kiwi households whom have the responsiblity of a mortgage, rates, providing for their families, cost of living etc, in which in many cases is chosen to be spent on alcohol gambling and vice. And they are laughing all the way to the bank (eww... that was bad taste, I know...)


Education and Opportunity is abundant,

I have been to 2 decile 2 schools in Sth aucks and they where far better facilitated and Governmernt funded than the decile 4 school I went to later on, as far as funding goes they get whatever they ask for, no red tape nothing.


Any other schools that are decile 4 or above get zip or next to nothing, so where do they get their income?

Fundraising organised by the hardwork and ingenuity of its community members, parents, and staff, who have to take time out from the hard working, family raising lives to help benefit their kids as well as others.


On the other hand my sister works at a school in Otara (well funded I might add) and my girlfriend works in a school that is composed 80% of students from Otara and Manurewa.

The amount of havoc that they have to face on a daily basis from Pacific Islanders is rediculous.

Before my Girlfriend started workin there she thought I was a bit of a rascist when it came to Pacific Islanders, in which I would try to explain that it is a mere reflex response to the cultural oppression that is coming from this demographic, she now has realised the truth to this.


It was easy for her to be all P.C. coming from east auckland going to a decile 6 school and hanging out with a white and asian majority whom embraced what our country has to offer and offers back to 'their' country.

But when face with parents who tell their children 'don't do the fucken Palagi's homework' and 'never listen to a rich Palagi' assuming all white people are rich.

Her perception was brought into reality pretty quickly.



When I went to De La salle College (70% P.I. 15% Maori 15% other) for intermediate the amount of depravity and violence I saw in those 2 years has still not been topped in all the years since.


And in these circumstances of extreme violence, which i have been involved in as well

Being stabbed in the face with a hunting knife outside a pub when I was 18 by a 25 y.o. P.I who was 3 times my size, who's mate screwdrivered my friend multiple times for doin...

You guessed, it absolutley nothing.

It really makes you address the cold meathook realities of it all,


It is instances like this that arise the true racism, and you all need to realise that it is racist to bunch Maori and pacific islanders together (espcially as they are particulary rascist towards each other)

I hate true racsim more than anything, noe-nazi's skinheads and the likes shake me to my core, I simply cannot tolerate such blind hate.

But we cannot just simply be macchiato sipping boheimien liberals about all this, and blame society from a safe distance from the 'problem areas'

Truth be told I like living amongst pacific Island People and have many Pacifika friends but I will not ignore facts, stats and trends being an analogue of truth of what is really going on.

I feel we have become too P.C. over the years that people are to scared to address culltural problems by being labelled a racsist, when the true racsim is being implemented by violence by this misguided demographic.


I am definatley not suggesting a 'call for arms' but I will not tolerate any sugar coating of the facts, and will recognise the problems, as for the solution goes who knows, its a hard one but I can say that I wouldn't appreciate losing certain Liberties by having CCTV everywhere.


Whew... (end of Rant...)

Please lock this thread right now.

Surely even Dr.Awesome couldn't fuck with that last statement.

Thank you.

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Lets be honest we aren't talkin about Black people at all... (ie Of African descent .)


I've been brought up in South Auckland and the problem group that is being identified with here is a large portion of the Pacific Island population. (lets be honest their music ain't that good)

In my experience many Pacific Islanders are extremely racist, more so than Maori (whom have geniune reasons for discrediting colonial conquest)

Portions of the P.I.community have an unlogical and unfounded sense of antiestablishmentarianism, and even after the free health care, education, housing, and finance they recieve.

After all this they still manage have the audacity to have a 'fuck the Palagi' Attitude but fail to realise that it isn't the white man behind our societys infrastructure but Everyone Else (ie all races), People who are willing and able to put in their conribution to make our country a better place.


The problem is not race ie genetics, as there are many peace loving, friendly and contributing Pacific Islanders,

but I think it is very much so cultural, it is a negative sentiment that has developed with the post modern urbanised pacific Island communities. also plagarised from American urban culture, which in reality is a way harsher lifestyle than living life nursing off Aotearoas teat.


As for you comment Catalyst;


"I would say the common denominator is social conditions. I wonder what Otara would be like if wealth, education and opportunity was abundant."


Wealth for starters,

the problem area of the pacific Island community have a larger disposable income than most average Kiwi households whom have the responsiblity of a mortgage, rates, providing for their families, cost of living etc, in which in many cases is chosen to be spent on alcohol gambling and vice. And they are laughing all the way to the bank (eww... that was bad taste, I know...)


Education and Opportunity is abundant,

I have been to 2 decile 2 schools in Sth aucks and they where far better facilitated and Governmernt funded than the decile 4 school I went to later on, as far as funding goes they get whatever they ask for, no red tape nothing.


Any other schools that are decile 4 or above get zip or next to nothing, so where do they get their income?

Fundraising organised by the hardwork and ingenuity of its community members, parents, and staff, who have to take time out from the hard working, family raising lives to help benefit their kids as well as others.


On the other hand my sister works at a school in Otara (well funded I might add) and my girlfriend works in a school that is composed 80% of students from Otara and Manurewa.

The amount of havoc that they have to face on a daily basis from Pacific Islanders is rediculous.

Before my Girlfriend started workin there she thought I was a bit of a rascist when it came to Pacific Islanders, in which I would try to explain that it is a mere reflex response to the cultural oppression that is coming from this demographic, she now has realised the truth to this.


It was easy for her to be all P.C. coming from east auckland going to a decile 6 school and hanging out with a white and asian majority whom embraced what our country has to offer and offers back to 'their' country.

But when face with parents who tell their children 'don't do the fucken Palagi's homework' and 'never listen to a rich Palagi' assuming all white people are rich.

Her perception was brought into reality pretty quickly.



When I went to De La salle College (70% P.I. 15% Maori 15% other) for intermediate the amount of depravity and violence I saw in those 2 years has still not been topped in all the years since.


And in these circumstances of extreme violence, which i have been involved in as well

Being stabbed in the face with a hunting knife outside a pub when I was 18 by a 25 y.o. P.I who was 3 times my size, who's mate screwdrivered my friend multiple times for doin...

You guessed, it absolutley nothing.

It really makes you address the cold meathook realities of it all,


It is instances like this that arise the true racism, and you all need to realise that it is racist to bunch Maori and pacific islanders together (espcially as they are particulary rascist towards each other)

I hate true racsim more than anything, noe-nazi's skinheads and the likes shake me to my core, I simply cannot tolerate such blind hate.

But we cannot just simply be macchiato sipping boheimien liberals about all this, and blame society from a safe distance from the 'problem areas'

Truth be told I like living amongst pacific Island People and have many Pacifika friends but I will not ignore facts, stats and trends being an analogue of truth of what is really going on.

I feel we have become too P.C. over the years that people are to scared to address culltural problems by being labelled a racsist, when the true racsim is being implemented by violence by this misguided demographic.


I am definatley not suggesting a 'call for arms' but I will not tolerate any sugar coating of the facts, and will recognise the problems, as for the solution goes who knows, its a hard one but I can say that I wouldn't appreciate losing certain Liberties by having CCTV everywhere.


Whew... (end of Rant...)


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