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Technics.....TECHNiCS ....Technics?.....-whurz 4 art thou?


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Technics Technics - where for art thou Technics?

Posted by Gizmo on May 12, 2008






While the currency here at skratchworx is hard facts, there are times when murmurs of idle speculation becomes a stream of absolutely must be investigated and commented upon sort of semi-fact. One such bad smell of a rumour surrounds Technics and the alleged famine of 1200s and 1210s. I've had mails, from idle gossips to distraught fanboys, all of which speak about just how thin on the ground God's own turntable is right now. So donning my investigative journalist's hat for a moment, I set about padding out this rumour with fact, or as the case may be, just more rumour.


It started with an email, and then a forum post, then another email and said forum post gathering more similar comments, and then one more email - all of which was enough to get my interest juices bubbling enough to wonder if the almighty 1200 was finally being shipped off to the DJ museum in the sky at last.


Just last year, Technics announced - well when I say announced I mean forced to admit rather than officially state - that the 1200 range was being rationalised, to leave the MK2 as the base model and the MK5G as the top end bells, whistles and everything model. Bye bye MK5, though having said that the MK5 is still listed on all dealer sites, unless of course the current famine is a symptom of the phasing out. With no time scale given by Panasonic, it's hard to know exactly when the MK5 is going really.


Interestingly, the Panasonic global site still lists the MK2 and MK5 but I noticed something different - the basic designation has been that the 1200 is Silver and the 1210 is Black, but here the MK2 is left just as a 1200 - no more 1210 as this appears to have been renamed 1200MK2PK. Googling the difference, it seems that the dedicated DJ stores still list the 1200 and 1210 MK2s, whereas the more generic stores show the MKPK variant.


Now let's factor in the Japanese announcement of the MK6. Pouring over the specs, we were left wondering why Technics would bother at all. But if there is to be a range rationalisation, then a small update and having a single model would make sense. This is backed up by this Japanese Panasonic current DJ range page, where only the yet to be seen MK6 is listed as a Technics turntable - no MK2 or MK5 anywhere. But is this for Japan only? This would back up one dealer comment that they'd heard the MK6, much like the little known MK4 would be for Japan only. Interestingly, they're still listing the ill fated DZ1200 as a current product. I can only guess they have a mountain of them somewhere and know that eventually, they will sell them rather than officially discontinuing them. That said, more than one dealer pointed out that as far as they were concerned, the DZ is a dead product.


As far as the MK2 (and I assume the MK5) disappearing goes, there is further evidence of its demise on the 1200s.com forum:


So it seems the wonderful people @ Technics, actually Panasonic, or even more so Matsushita Corp (the parent company of them all), has decided to start discontinuing parts for the famed SL1200MK2 / SL1210MK2 turntables. They've started by discontinuing all of the Circuit Boards, asking technicians to repair any issues at the component level on the board. The problem is that some of these components are now also being discontinued. More specifically they are discontinuing some very important IC's (Integrated Circuits), which are pretty much what makes this unit so powerful.


So, now what? We have a lot of Technics 1200 series turntables just sitting in the shop, waiting for repair, but we can't do anything because we can't get parts. We are trying to see if the MK5 or M5G parts will work, but haven't performed any tests as of yet.


Common issues with the main board that affect these units are irregular pitch / drive issues:

- spins too fast

- spins too slow

- extremely slow start up

- washing machine affect (back and forth jerking)

- wont stop when the start/stop button is pressed


All of these issues are directly related to one or more of the ICs on the main board. So if you are experiencing any of these issues, I thought it would be good to know what your up against.


Not sure what the plan is, but we were told by a sales rep @ Matsushita, they eventually want to phase out the MK2, and even the MK5 - which is the purpose for the MK6 release!


Dealer feedback is varied. Some have good stocks and are experiencing little in the way of issues with getting deliveries, whereas others complain that 1200s are rarer than a sack of Unicorn shit with no stock on the horizon. Another dealer did point out that Technics stock is a little feast and famine like - a similar situation was experienced 10 months ago, so it's not a new scenario at all.


But this all could be explained by simple global economics. Distributors need to buy stock, and with Vultures circling ever closer on the retail sector, dealers are reticent to order large stocks of anything, especially when the demand for decks is spiralling downwards. This of course means the distributor doesn't want huge stocks of something that the dealers aren't buying. Technics pricing is notoriously high, with margins being considerably less than other brands. So it's a bigger risk to buy and sell Technics, more so than any other deck brand.


I do have to take my investigative journalists hat off to Technics though. The 1200 was an audiophile deck, that was accidentally adopted by DJs for lack of anything else half decent. And it has dominated for years, shaping the DJ scene as we know it without even having to try to make any serious improvements. It's amazing to think that Technics has had a vice like grip on the DJ scene based on a single non-DJ product, especially when you consider the small handful of DJ specific products that were just OK rather than even getting close to the stature of the 1200.


And while many manufacturers poured semi-bottomless pots of money into marketing and PR (can I have some more please?), Technics have never had to do this. They are still a major sponsor of DMC, but in terms of magazine ads, trade shows and sponsorships, I suspect the budget for that was canned some years ago.


But this dominance has seen turntable evolution remain static and limited. People have tried to change the game, but the mind set of "Technics is cool and the best" is a hard one to break. It's not hard to accept that the layout of a Technics - ergo most turntables - is not ideal for DJs, especially scratch DJ who turn their decks 90° so that the tonearm is away from their very busy hands, only to have the vital controls even further away. Perhaps if Technics is disappearing from the scene, more adventurous DJ friendly designs can begin to appear and actually have room in the market to sell. While it's clear vinyl will never dominate as a format again, DVS systems are a major part of the DJ scene, thus making the demand for decks smaller but still consistent. I believe there is still a market for new decks, but perhaps ones that can work better for the DJ and integrate better with software.


So make of this scurrilous rumour-mongering what you will, but there appears to be strong evidence to suggest that the MK2 and MK5 are for the chop, leaving only the MK6. But the evidence also suggests that the mighty 1200 is off for good, leaving the MK6 for Japan only before being phased out altogether. The Technics brand is limited to the DJ scene now, and the only really good product in that range is the 1200 (don't argue with me on this). Sales of said 1200 (and all decks to be honest) are sliding daily, therefore logic dictates that as a profitable business unit in the Panasonic/Matsushita corporate scheme of things, Technics is a spec of dust that needs cleaning up. We must remember that huge corporations don't have magical factories filled with pixies lovingly hand crafting turntables especially for you and me and send each one on their way with a kiss - they invest money into factories to assemble product to make yet more money. Therefore if that venture no longer makes enough - or as I suspect any - money, then it has to go.


No comment has come back from Panasonic, so if anyone from Technics/Panasonic is reading, a few official words to clarify this globally disparate situation would really help. And if you, as a dealer/distributor can shed light, all comments gratefully received, even if anonymously.







33 comments to this story



On May 12, 2008, sureshot commented...



Giz, Sadly I thought this may be the case when I purchased my MK5's this past Christmas.....looking at the receipt when I got home I noticed a "discontinued" statment on the receipt,which sparked my curiousity and after reading this I wouldn't surprise me if this is indeed true. From what I understand Technics didn't renew their motor patent (which in my opinion was a sign of things to come) And then with dwindling demand on the deck it would only make sense from a buisness stand point to cut production of these modles. It's a sad thing though to see the turntable loosing popularity, for us Vinyl DJ's this will always be the "only" way to rock a party. With the introduction of DVS systems it helps to keep these decks breathing on life support but it doesn't look good.

I agree that Technics attempt to make a quality CD deck has basically went down the toilet, I played on one of those things and my Stanton C314's performed like Pioneers compared to those hunks of junk. And a little known fact to most people is, as you have stated, the 1200's were the adopted child of DJ's never meant for that application.

I really like my Tech's they feel so nice and perform flawless, however if they should crap out on me it concerns me that I may not be able to get parts to fix em. Hmmm I am curious if other Companies will be looking to stop production on their decks as well...ie: Stanton, Vestax, Numark.......all of these modles have more features and "looks" that out do the Tech.....and it seems that they market those decks on those features. BUT the Tech is a tank and in my modest little 2 cent opinion will perform much longer than the above mentioned. I must say though if I didn't get a wonderful deal on my tech's (2 for $130 new, yes new and I still have the receipt) I was tossing around the Stanton STR8's and the Vestax PDX. IT'S NOT THAT TECHNICS LOST THE BATTLE OF BEST DECK, IT'S THAT THEY KNEW HOW TO LEAVE ON TOP........Rumblings of their retirement have been going on for some time and it seems that this may be it. One thing Technics didn't have to do is blow it's own horn......us DJ's did that for them thus they really didn't need marketing.....we the DJ's were the marketing team.....based almost on word of mouth the Technics became a household name and hot deck of choice for clubs, battle DJ's and bedroom DJs alike. No other manufacturer has had the success Technics had in this area. This is what made Technics the "best" deck, not higher pitch range, not a reverse button, and all the other glitz and glamour that other decks boast, but soley Word of mouth.....reliability and great feel. Am I drinking Technics kool-aid?? No, if I had the money I would look hard at the Stanton STR8 150's or Vestax PDX,but I do know that I can count on my Tech's to get me through 4 hour sets and they will perform flawlessly doing so. Anyhow Giz much respect for the post as I should get my butt back to work.....just had to say a little something on this.





On May 12, 2008, Lofty commented...



Interesting. A bloke came over to fix our heaters the other day from a generic electrical repair place. When he was done he pointed out the decks sat in the corner "nice mixing desks" he said; "You know Panasonic have killed the Technics brand now don't you, shame, good quality gear that".


There's me thinking what does this bloke know!!


Maybe i just didn't want to listen as he'd already spent 10 mins slagging me off for buying an LG tele....





On May 12, 2008, Alkivar commented...



I'll repost what I said on the forums for those of you who dont read it:


Another thing which some of you may not be aware of is in 2006 Japan passed a law changing legality of reselling used electronics called "DENAN" (although there is an export exemption for some stuff)


You can see a partial list of affected products here: http://homepage3.nifty.com/tsato/terms/denan-e.html


Turntablesare on the list of items affected. Matsushita may simply have said, well since we cant sell older turntable stock except overseas, there is no point in continuing to make parts for them.



On May 12, 2008, Alkivar commented...



Sorry the damn link didnt properly close:




On May 12, 2008, Alkivar commented...



one more try...





On May 12, 2008, RodrigoSM.br commented...



Finally something on point. Discontinuing probabl has nothing to do with demand, trend, such and such. Regulations are changing, which means they'd have to change a lot of things on this deck to clear it for Europe and maybe other places, which would simply cost too much, in temr of redesing and re-tooling. So, instead, they'll come up with a "new" model, tag it as "farewell edition" or such, and milk the last drops of the Technics turntable cow. I'm keeping mine, and I'm probably getting an extra pair for the road / events, along with a sack of parts, which I intend to leave for my grandchildren. That's how long these things will last, no doubt.



On May 12, 2008, sureshot commented...








which I intend to leave for my grandchildren. That's how long these things will last, no doubt.


Yes they will.....like I said, I'm not upset I have them by any means....just don't want to get screwed if mine should need repair.


Turntablesare on the list of items affected. Matsushita may simply have said, well since we cant sell older turntable stock except overseas, there is no point in continuing to make parts for them.


Perhaps that's what happened,BUT would that make sense since most of those modles are bought overseas?? I would hope that we would still be able to purchase replacement parts for our decks. But then again the chances of me needing replacement parts for the 1200 series may not be very high.





On May 12, 2008, Deecore commented...



Damn, this is making me consider not buying Technics now.

This makes me pretty upset, the whole reason DJ'ing is what it is today is soon too die. It's sad really.



On May 12, 2008, sureshot commented...



Deecore there is a possibility that you could get the MK6, unless of course they (Technics) limit it to Japan only....but really, I wouldn't worry about the 12's breaking down on you soon, I've read articles where some DJ's have been rockin the same 12's for 15 years!

Now if you're debate was (and I'm gonna hate here) NUMARK then I would suggest another deck, but you can bet Tech 12's will last you many many years as long as you take care of em'.But should you want to look elsewhere I hear the Stanton SRT8 150's are quite a good deck and the Vestax PDX, heck even Roc Raida said out of the Stanton 120 Numark TTX and Gemini (yes Gemini) TT04, he liked the Gemini best. So there's some other decks to consider....but I better get off this topic lest I be accused of de-railing the thread





On May 12, 2008, DJ NightLife commented...



My only question: What will replace it ? All the CD turntables are crap except Pioneer...but the feel is really not the same. CDX are the closest ones to reproduce the vinyl feel, but they break each month.



On May 12, 2008, Gobbinboy commented...



I'm one of the people that have had their Technics for 15 years (1993) and I'm crapping myself. They don't last forever and knowing my luck some obscure transistor on one of them'll blow just as the board on which it sits becomes rarer than a dozen of Faberge's greatest.

RIP Technics. Shame on you for not rising to the challenge and making the SLDZ the industry standard it should be.



On May 12, 2008, sureshot commented...








On May 12, 2008, DJ NightLife commented...



My only question: What will replace it ? All the CD turntables are crap except Pioneer...but the feel is really not the same. CDX are the closest ones to reproduce the vinyl feel, but they break each month.


I've used the Pioneers quite a bit and though they don't "feel" the same as vinly they are some great decks as far as the Numark, great idea poor quality, I agree.

Gobbin, yeah not too sure about what to do about not having the ability to repair my Techs....and as far as the SLDZ?? Major let down you couldn't make me play on those





On May 12, 2008, JEFF commented...



Vinyl sales are up in 2008 according to many articles....turntable sales,especially the ones with a USB connection are prob also up.


Why hasn't technics made a new 1200 with USB so that the diehard vinyl consumer who's not neccesarely a DJ becomes a new potential customer.


When i was in the States recently,i was amazed how much new vinyl i still saw on the streets...especially at Amoeba's mega recordstore in Hollywood.


Believe me..i felt like a little kid again in a toyshop.



On May 13, 2008, nickz commented...



I personally don't understand the usb turntable thing. I especially don't think it would be the right way to go for Technics. I think the people who buy 1200s simply to listen to music (not to mix or scratch) are too discerning to be satisfied with the mediocre sound cards that come built into most usb decks. If I were to do some serious wax to mp3 conversion, I'd rely on a high quality soundcard. Adding a truly decent A/D converter to a 1200 would raise the price by at least $200, and the consumer sacrifices little by just plugging the turntable's rca cables into an A/D box (running through a phono pre beforehand if necessary).



On May 13, 2008, DJ NightLife commented...





"I've used the Pioneers quite a bit and though they don't "feel" the same as vinly they are some great decks as far as the Numark, great idea poor quality, I agree."





Do you use them with Serato ? I'm looking for new decks because of the tremendous repairs I've had to do on my cdx. However, I hated the new Denon with an internal HD. There is a huge cue slip when you scratch and there is too much unuseful stuff on it. As for the CDJ1000, I'm always amazed to notice the cheap looking plastic platter when they sell them 1500$ CDN.


The best for us would be that Pioneer or even Technics makes its own version of a CDX. (12'' platter)


Just a general question for everybody, is there really someone who use the reverse switch on any turntable or CD turntable ? Instead of 'improving' new products with unuseful features, they should invest on build quality and reliability. Stick to play/cue, adjustable start/break, 2 or 3 decimal BPM display, loop in/loop out



On May 13, 2008, Tempo commented...



the death of vinyl is coming slowly but surly, i knew something was up when i saw the crap loads of midi controllers at the NAMM convention. im gonna cry if the start replacing 1200's in the clubs with midi controllers.


P.S. whats going to happen to the DMC???



On May 13, 2008, sureshot commented...




I have not used the Pioneer decks with serato,in fact I haven't seen anyone using CD decks with searto, that's not to say they don't and my serch has been limited to YouTube.

I agree the price is a little steep on these decks I have used the 600's and 800's and they both perform well, the plastic "feel" really isn't that bad and you would be surprised at the control you have when scrartching and juggling. Reverse switch?? NEVER USE IT really don't have an application for it.

Tempo....I hope vinly doesn't die there's a certain something about vinyl that I like. I was talking to a local record shop owner who is seeing a rise in vinyl purchases and he thinks vinyl is on the come back, so don't sell of your vinyl collection just yet. With DVS systems using time coded vinyl us DJ's can still have that "feel" when we do parties but there is still somehting special seeing the DJ pullin out 12" records and swappin and mixing with em during set's. long live the vinyl DJ





On May 13, 2008, Mista Krabz commented...



Well, it looks like the

Technics star is losing his light.


BUT a Midi Controller will never replace

2 1210s and a Mixer.It doesnt look very professional,

because every dude can buy a midi controller for low-cost

and start deejaying.

There will ever be real Turntable DJs.


@Tempo.....eeehm...do you really believe that a DMC World Champion would cut on a midi controller?




On May 13, 2008, sureshot commented...



Mista Krabz........yeah can't see how that would be a good option

I did see a cat doin a DJ comp with two CD decks tht had fader start control on em and so he was able to juggle with just the movement of the crossfader....what a slap in the face to "real" dj's. I quote SUP Tha Chemist...."it's wack like dj's who only spin CD's"





On May 13, 2008, Tempo commented...



i never said anything about the DMC switching to midi controllers, thats kind of silly. i asked because technics have been a major sponsor of the DMC for years and in the rules thats the only turntable your allowed to use. what are they going to use if the deck gets discontinued, or will they stop the battle altogether??



On May 13, 2008, sureshot commented...



Tempo.....appologise man....as far as DMC's go, there are other comps out now that allow artists to use different decks.....I've seen C2C using Numark TTX and I've seen other DJ's using Vestax....I am sure there will be plenty of companies waiting to claim the title for sponsor of DMC's should Technics step down.





On May 13, 2008, OLD SCHOOL CHICAGO HOUSE DJ commented...










On May 13, 2008, Ulysses commented...



I've had the same pair of 1200's since 1985; The older model that had the small non-removable silver sticker with 'made in Japan' on them.


Apart from changing the phonos, they have never been repaired - so I'm not worried about parts. I've used them every week for 23 years! Got Serato now so using them even more now. I'd love to know how many SL Mk 2's Technics have sold in total since 1978. (Giz?)


Therefore there's going to be a lot of second-hand models around for a long time. Prices probably quite cheap now too. If mine ever die, I'll just buy second hand instead of another manufacturer.



On May 14, 2008, KD commented...



I have read post about this or that turntable is better and within a few months people are staying I am having problems with this or that turntable. I have had 5 pairs of SL's over the past 22 years and only thing needed was having to change the phono leads on one deck due to ware.


I tried the CDX mk1 when Giz first got it into his scratch room and thought they were the muts nuts but when I give a mate who supplied me with gear he said not to touch them until Numark had sorted the problems with them. Since then I hear so many people bitchin about them.


The SL's are built like tanks unlike the PDX's which I said years ago could never stand the ware of gig'n with them since then loads of people I know have gone back to SL's and like Ulysses commented the 2nd hand market means no problems with parts for the long term future if the SL is no longer available.


9 out of 10 clubs I have played in have used Technics and CDJ's if it was the other way round it would say something about the gear installed but it doesn't.


They do the job so why change? For super fast pitch? Quirky Gimmicks! Records play at 45 / 33 so why does any deck need +/-20 and +/-50% pitch range.


The TTX are a close 2nd in my view but give them 20 years and lets see if they still work?


Just lol at the Security Code: SL589 .. Twist Of Faite



On May 14, 2008, Checkmate commented...



I actually want to say thanks to Technics for truly helping pioneer the Dj scene, been a long journey but all journeys end. Even tho it's sad news, Panasonic is what it is...a company trying to make money or cut potential losses. It really shouldn't be a shock to you all, but vinyl is just about dead, especially with the Dj software revolution, and Panasonic knows that. Really the people that are going to be left cold are the Dj's who have not embraced the digital age. I own MK5's and I own a pair of the totally underrated SLDZ's. I find myself using SLDZ's along with Torq as my primary decks. (And I don't care what others think about the DZ's and quote industry standard Pioneer decks which I think are also great decks, they are not for me, and with Torq are merely just knobs, I need the rotating platter.)

I think people need to wake up on the mindset of "industry standard" and realize there is NO INDUSTRY STANDARD. Theres only personal taste and opinion and what feels right for that specific Dj. There are Dj's out there mixing with iPods. I think once everyone realizes theres other gear out there besides "industry standard" Technics, it will make moving on easier.



On May 15, 2008, Gizmo commented...



Still no word from Panasonic...



On May 16, 2008, DENON commented...





"I hated the new Denon with an internal HD. There is a huge cue slip when you scratch and there is too much unuseful stuff on it."






Not any more.

We just released new firmware on May 13,2008 that removes any cue slip that you may have experienced. Give it a try with firmware v1100 as its super rock solid now.



As to your other point…


Playing CDs is un-useful ? (its still in check worldwide)


Playing from an HDD is un-useful ? (countless do already with DVS systems)


Becoming the worlds first DVS MIDI controller with a spinning platter is un-useful ?


The HS5500 offers all the key elements of where DJs are at now and where they’ll be tomorrow.


Watch how well the HS5500 integrates with the upcoming “Reflex” DJ app as a “time-code free” DVS system…all done by pure MIDI.



On May 17, 2008, n.Cision commented...



quite dissapointing to see them take this road.

only reason I own technics is for DMC practice, theyre great decks no doubt, but if it wasn't for DMC battling then id own vestax with midi anyday. should DMC drop technics sponsorship in the future and turntable use is up to the DJ i will most likely sell the 12's in an instant.


just my 2 cents. cheers for that Giz



On May 19, 2008, chingy lingy booom commented...



Technics turntables are dope, but i think its 80% MYTH, first pioneers like bambaataa, flash, theodore, jeff....... using 1200... why ? becouse no other big turntables in dj scene at that time, next generation lookin for this piooneer " they using 1200 - i must toooo!" Q, mike, shortkut....craze .... all to todays djs ... in these days are too many good turntables but technics are only one - its placebo efx, its myth, its culture, its fan.

All djs have in their brain that turntablism , djing with skills = Technics, its tradition, roots, backbone for all djs - where I am from , where I am commin...? all people needin fixin , needs universal basic point , and it WAS Technics tables! (but no technics like company,but technics like a MYTH ...technics like a company they sucks all djs so many years ago .... )



On May 24, 2008, Psy commented...



I've had my SL-1200MK2's (and they are black and not 1210's by the way) for over 12 years and I have never had a problem. This does make me consider snagging a used set off of ebay to stick in a closet for repairs if needed though. I have no plans to ever get rid of them. It's more of a heritage thing than a performance thing. I do not believe that the turntables make the DJ. I started spinning on a borrowed pair of Technique SL-50's (maybe it was SL-250...something like that, I don't remember, but they were direct drive), they were old and burned out with a lot of drag on start up, but I learned so much more about turntable control on those trying to fight them than I ever would have with a brand new pair of 1200's to start with.


In general I think digital audio stored on an HD with various controller modules that suite your individual preference is the wave of the future (not CD's and not vinyl). I think the days of the commercial studio and standard club equipment are gone/going as well. Home studios and portability of digital media to clubs provide the necessary groove of tomorrow.


I'll always be a vinyl junkie for sure though.







On May 29, 2008, serkan commented...



Hi there.


I'd got this from en.wikipedia.org:


On January 10, 2008 Matsushita announced that it intends to change the company name to Panasonic Corporation, effective October 1, 2008.[1] The decision is pending on approval at the firm's annual shareholder's meeting in June. Non-audio/visual products (mostly home appliances) currently branded "National" in Japan will be marketed under the Panasonic brand.


So there might be a possibility that the SL-1200s will be continued under the Panasonic brand name.

Anohter scenario could be that Technics will remain in the name as in Lumix for Panasonic digital cameras and Viera for Panasonic tv-panels.

So I think that the name for the new MK6 could be "Panasonic SL-12x0MK6" or "Panasonic Technics SL-12x0MK6"...


greetz, serkan



On June 15, 2008, kevin@kabusa.com commented...



anually, technics inventory always goes dry at least once and usually in the first quarter. this situation is not unusual.


the Mk6 is clearly set to replace the M5G. Why? read the features it has everything the M5G has except the finish( which is nice, but expensive to handle and deliver in a flawless state) and the digital pitch control to which I say good riddence. poorly designed circuit has digital jitter in it that caused very audible pitch flutter.


The Mk2 is likely the largest seller due to cost and because it appeals to record collectors and audiophiles who, are the largest buyers of vinyl related products today.


All the models MK2, MK5, M5G are officially on the 2008 US price sheet. If any changes are to come, they should not be this year. The little Belt drive Sl-BD20 is officially off the price list and discontinued.


As far as parts, all models use the same parts electrically.

in some cases you have to check a different model to find the new part number.



Jun 14, 2008



On July 7, 2008, everybody commented...



no need for turntables

just strapon dildos so one gay dj can mix into another

or shake your wii

or piss on a toaster

fake ass dj will ruin the world!!






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nnn.z Disclaimer. I found this on the interwebs????? no money made... only arguments and discussions put forward as the case may be....innit

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These rumours have circulated before.


Still yet to see an actual Panasonic (Technics) announcement...


*Oh and for the record, you can already buy what are virtually 1200 clones anyway....




Rumour has been doing teh rounds for at least 5-6 years now.

Also there are other tuntables available (if teh rumours are true) Will just be an adjustment and new learning phase to go through.

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how long before cdj's follow the same path


Read this today interestingly enough.


That while Dusk and I are dithering about finally upgrading to Serrato, that you can hardly find a club in San Fran that has decks: CDs or vinyl. Ableton is the default.


That DJing with Ableton might invoke a knee-jerk “but but… it’s all pre mixed?” reaction, but instead it just shifts the parameters. The name of the game is no longer what you can hold in the mix, but what you do when you’re in it.

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how long before cdj's follow the same path


Read this today interestingly enough.


That while Dusk and I are dithering about finally upgrading to Serrato, that you can hardly find a club in San Fran that has decks: CDs or vinyl. Ableton is the default.


That DJing with Ableton might invoke a knee-jerk “but but… it’s all pre mixed?” reaction, but instead it just shifts the parameters. The name of the game is no longer what you can hold in the mix, but what you do when you’re in it.


well quoted...the end is indeed nigh for vinyls

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how long before cdj's follow the same path


Read this today interestingly enough.


That while Dusk and I are dithering about finally upgrading to Serrato, that you can hardly find a club in San Fran that has decks: CDs or vinyl. Ableton is the default.


That DJing with Ableton might invoke a knee-jerk “but but… it’s all pre mixed?” reaction, but instead it just shifts the parameters. The name of the game is no longer what you can hold in the mix, but what you do when you’re in it.


well quoted...the end is indeed nigh for vinyls


I doubt that personally.

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how long before cdj's follow the same path


Read this today interestingly enough.


That while Dusk and I are dithering about finally upgrading to Serrato, that you can hardly find a club in San Fran that has decks: CDs or vinyl. Ableton is the default.


That DJing with Ableton might invoke a knee-jerk “but but… it’s all pre mixed?” reaction, but instead it just shifts the parameters. The name of the game is no longer what you can hold in the mix, but what you do when you’re in it.


well quoted...the end is indeed nigh for vinyls


I doubt that personally.


i want vinyls to "end", it then makes "us with vinyls" totally unique!

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how long before cdj's follow the same path


Read this today interestingly enough.


That while Dusk and I are dithering about finally upgrading to Serrato, that you can hardly find a club in San Fran that has decks: CDs or vinyl. Ableton is the default.


That DJing with Ableton might invoke a knee-jerk “but but… it’s all pre mixed?” reaction, but instead it just shifts the parameters. The name of the game is no longer what you can hold in the mix, but what you do when you’re in it.


well quoted...the end is indeed nigh for vinyls


I doubt that personally.


i want vinyls to "end", it then makes "us with vinyls" totally unique!


I find people who understand that Vinyl is both singular and plural far more unique.

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how long before cdj's follow the same path


Read this today interestingly enough.


That while Dusk and I are dithering about finally upgrading to Serrato, that you can hardly find a club in San Fran that has decks: CDs or vinyl. Ableton is the default.


That DJing with Ableton might invoke a knee-jerk “but but… it’s all pre mixed?” reaction, but instead it just shifts the parameters. The name of the game is no longer what you can hold in the mix, but what you do when you’re in it.


well quoted...the end is indeed nigh for vinyls


I doubt that personally.


i want vinyls to "end", it then makes "us with vinyls" totally unique!

vinyl sales will continue to drop off, but i feel that alot of labels will press smaller amounts of vinyl, making them more collectors items, increasing the resale value.


im looking at a Akai APC 20 to start using alongside my ttm57sl, so ableton/serato/the bridge is my future for djing

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These rumours have circulated before.


Still yet to see an actual Panasonic (Technics) announcement...


*Oh and for the record, you can already buy what are virtually 1200 clones anyway....


Agreed, this rumour comes up every year, I'll believe it when I see the official announcement. Redstar's email is from 2008 FFS


And Doc there is no absolutely no substitute for the 1200..

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Yeah I have read things in various places for while now, but just read on barrys BPM blog that he spoke to someone from Panasonic NZ about it saying they werent taking anymore orders.


Doesnt this mean that they will become like vintage cars one day? Hard to find parts..the mechanics charge heaps..etc

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