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Paul Henry; funny man or douche bag?


<t>What do you think of Paul Henry?</t>  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of Paul Henry?

    • He's a douche bag
    • He's funny but this time he's gone too far
    • He says what we're all thinking
    • I wish I was as empathetic as him
    • He's funny

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Totally agree with Phil, and personally I think this would be a good time to shift Paul Henry to late-night radio, the only place his antics could possibly survive.


Before he goes anywhere though let us all laugh at this incredibly creepy but under-appreciated clip of the man as he tries to get Alison Mau to flash her bra/bikini top at the Santa Parade !



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I'd never seen much Henry footage until now but it seems like theres much more controversial footage than . The first half of this clip is harmless and funny enough but listen to what he says in the closing minute about car accidents !!!


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Totally agree with Phil, and personally I think this would be a good time to shift Paul Henry to late-night radio, the only place his antics could possibly survive.


Before he goes anywhere though let us all laugh at this incredibly creepy but under-appreciated clip of the man as he tries to get Alison Mau to flash her bra/bikini top at the Santa Parade !



Hahaha, love how he uses the children too


But yea, he's meant to be a nob, that's his thing. Remembering the moustach lady, that was definitely one of his best moments. She came onto national TV with a fucking moustache on ffs, she was asking for it. Just like I'd be asking for it if I was on national TV with say, part of my ball sack hanging out of my pants.


I see he's been suspended, and definitely deserved. I just think people reeaaally need to lighten up, I've seen alot worse on American/British TV

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Remembering the moustach lady, that was definitely one of his best moments. She came onto national TV with a fucking moustache on ffs, she was asking for it.


Is it so bad? She was born that way... I wouldn't hold it against you if you didn't want to shave your back hair and went on tv

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Im far to left and too much of an anti fascist to engage properly in this argument/discussion..... so I will wait and see whats said ....and maybe just maybe say somthing.... (Must be getting old and sensible)

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Is it so bad? She was born that way... I wouldn't hold it against you if you didn't want to shave your back hair and went on tv


I'd be surprised if you weren't surprised by seeing a lady being interviewed on TV wearing a moustache.



Particularly what Paul says at the end; "It's like the elephant in the room, Oh god! it's a lady with a moustache don't mention it!"

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Wellllll... Obviously we have uh.. RACIST near Eden Park.. He's rantin' on yo' TV, he's rilin' yo' people up, tryin' fo' ratings so y'all need to hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife, and cover yo' ears cos they hatin' err'body out hurr.


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I think the fundamental problem here is that Paul works for TVNZ.

People just don't expect this kind of behaviour with a state broadcaster.


Whilst he'd still be in the shit if he worked for TV3 (for examples sake), I doubt there'd be as much of a row.


I dont think so.

The problem here is that he was blatantly racist, it wasn't just some non-PC joke about a lady with a moustache or whatever, he actually said (on live MORNING television, to the PM of all people), that the Governor General didn't look or sound like a Kiwi because he's of indian descent. And he didn't just laugh at "Dikshit" being a funny name (which, lets face it, it is!) he said that it's "so appropriate because she's indian". I mean, I dont even think a shock-value stand up comedian on pay-tv would be allowed to get away with that sort of full-on racism without at least some sort of reprimand. He stepped a LONG way over the line with those comments and really should have been fired, not "allowed to resign".


The thing that I find disturbing is all the people coming out of the woodwork to support him and saying fucked up shit like "well, it's what we were all thinking anyway"... REALLY? You're all such massively one-eyed racists that you think a guy born and raised in NZ is not a Kiwi unless he's white???


Henrys "supporters" can eat a fat dick on this one imo.

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Henrys "supporters" can eat a fat dick on this one imo.


I love it how you make room for and respect other peoples opinions... derp

I love it how you make room for and respect other peoples opinions... derp

I love it how you make room for and respect other peoples opinions... derp

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I see what you're trying to say Pakage... but in all seriousness, it's one thing to disagree with someone... it's another thing to suggest they should suck a dick if they do. The latter demonstrates a lack of respect. I never suggested Weazel should suck a dick, and I respect the fact that he probably does.

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I see what you're trying to say Pakage... but in all seriousness, it's one thing to disagree with someone... it's another thing to suggest they should suck a dick if they do. The latter demonstrates a lack of respect. I never suggested Weazel should suck a dick, and I respect the fact that he probably does.


Just to clear things up, I'm talking about the people that say "he's just saying what we're all thinking" not the people here in this thread that just kinda think he's harmless and funny. So I wont make any apologies for "not respecting the opinion" of outright racists.

Happy to apologise for wording it badly so it sounded like I meant anyone who likes Paul Henry though. But I do think that maybe they need to accept that his comments really were wrong this time and he pretty much got what he deserved for them.

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Just to clear things up, I'm talking about the people that say "he's just saying what we're all thinking" not the people here in this thread. And I wont make any apologies for "not respecting the opinion" of outright racists.


I am in total agreement with the weazel on this....

Racism has no place and any one who abides by its principles in any mannor is in my mind a person who should be purged in an ideological context and shamed publically.

This whole henry gate thing has unearthed a disgusting and disturbing section of nz society that now are blantantly and absolutly spewing forth horrific neo fascist white pride ideals...

I find these statements bandied about by the masses very offensive and as a leftward thinking person I feel that it must be smashed... As history shows when the far right gains momentum there is no room for any dissent towards their (and I fucking hope it never happens) rule of totalitarian lore. I realise its a long way a way from these kinda scenarios . But jeebus christos! this shit has raised my heckles like nothing else has since seatlle 99 or genoa 02 or peter speights nationalist agenda in fiji... But the difference is that its here and its all started from a schmarmy over paid lil fuck (paid for by tax payers no less) On a state funded tv channel.. and that shit flys fucking high in "the minds of middle nz" fuck that,, fuck that shit royally...

I have seen so many people,people I have known for years been duped by this issue in the name of PC gone wild and freedom of speech. while I honour freedom of speech , I dishonour out right hate speech.. And it IRKS me and sets a fire in my belly that will not be quelled until all these ideas are smashed.../ Its bizzare how the conservative right use the idea of Pc and blame it on the left , I mean it was created by american far right groups so they could have an excuse to diss out niggers jews fags and the like , it gives them an excuse to say these horrible things as a protest against their created (by them ) moral oppisite, the left who wont use these devisive and derrogatory names. and fucking fair call..

I can all most smell the glue of the their placards and hear the stiching on the swastika flags made by nazis in the near future. . I think that after all this is sed and done paul henry wont be remembered for the racist homophobe nasty peice of shit he is, but he will be used as a mascot by the far right to legitimise their extreme position and dupe the unthinking goggle eyed masses into beliving them.. hold tyte for large right wing demonstrations... and watch and wait to see what i do....


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Henrys "supporters" can eat a fat dick on this one imo.


I love it how you make room for and respect other peoples opinions... derp

I love it how you make room for and respect other peoples opinions... derp

I love it how you make room for and respect other peoples opinions... derp

oh my, what a recursive statement. Just saying it breaks its own rules lol.


I see what you're trying to say Pakage... but in all seriousness, it's one thing to disagree with someone... it's another thing to suggest they should suck a dick if they do. The latter demonstrates a lack of respect.


Yeah i agree, was just being the devils advocate really.


I never suggested Weazel should suck a dick, and I respect the fact that he probably does.


hahah, what a sneaky cunt, now whose being snarky

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