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I regularly watch Campbell live and rate him as NZ's best journo


I therefore saw last nights episode on Internet privacy and am worried those of you I havent met are scary perverts..


I have the same birth number as both Ghandi and Hendrix, boh!


When I was 10 I had a collection of cassete singles and rhythm volumes in my room that got ripped off by some other kids (small fingerprints)..


I have entered some course or form of study 5 out of the last 6 years since finishing high school..


I thought of some other 1's but common sense prevailed

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at forth form camp i told the whole class that one time when i stayed the night at craigs place, i saw his mum shitting in his dad's mouth. they beleived me and craig got some serious greif.


package you knew that BUT you didnt know


sometimes when im trying to delay ejaculation during intercourse, i think about my mates hairy bums.


it could be your bum next time package. would you like that?

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LOL i remember that.. FUCK YOU REUBEN..


man little kids are gullible.. and your a shit stirring son of a bitch!


Ohwell.. i thank you for it.. because i ditched all you losers and ended up hanging out with my man nato more often.. and look where ive ended up.. and look where henry and troy and those gimps are.. HAHA


your still cool though reuben.. i forgive you bro


howd the singles night go? get some 45 y/o dryness in ya bedroom? you shouldnt need to distract yourself when your slamming girls that old, looking at their face should do the trick!

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Hrmm it wont be hard for me haha seeings as how none of you actually know me but ah well


I spent 3 years as an artillery officer in the New Zealand army.


I went to 11 schools growing up O_o


I have a black belt in Taekwon do.


bad bro! you musta got to fuck with some mean cannons and shit! whats the baddest cannon youve shot? Or whats the funniest thing youve blown up?

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I often contemplate how awesome life would be if we were living a post-apocolyptic anarchy or under a totalitarian government waging guerilla warefare.


I once burnt off my eyebrows playing with left over fireworks.


I use to be an extremely dangerous driver, the fastest speed I've ever traveled was over 220km/h (I don't know exactly how fast we were going because the odometer maxed out)

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Like Nato I suffer from emetephobia (phobia of vomit) and have done all my life (breifly got some relief from it after seeing a hypnotherapist but his untimely death meant the end of my therapy and subsequent reappearance of my phobia).


I recently got completely screwed over by the two people I cared about the most in the world (aside from my family) which has sent me on an introspective voyage through my own psyche and made me realise that I actually like myself a whole lot more than I have at any other time in my life and made me proud of who I am.


As a result of conducting myself well throughout the above incident (and the previous year which was too horrid to mention) I am currently enjoying a speight of awesome karma (knew all those years of being a good person in the face of adversity had to pay off sometime).


And finally, whilst I am not a fan of violence on the streets I am an avid fan of brutal sports (i love cage fighting) and have a fetish for black eyes and facial scars - although there is a limit and no I am not in the habit of inflicting them for my own enjoyment... honest

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I love sharks, wanted to become a marine Biologist but the thought of living on a boat all the time didn't apeal when I left school.


Same here! I watch the docos, read the books, and get excited when I hear about attacks. I'm afraid of them when I'm swimming, but I still want to swim amongst them. I'm going cage diving with Great Whites as soon as I can. My fave sharks are G-Dubs and Makos, although I also like Tiger and Bull sharks, even though we don't really get them in our waters. Whenever I meet a fisherman I harass them about sharks. Maybe I was attacked and killed by a shark in a past life. I dunno.


Edit: Forgot to add that those sea-wolves haunt my fucken dreams as well. Had a shark dream last night even. And also got to add, it's a weird phenomenon but there's a few other shark-freaks out there, my mate Kimmy, she's a nutter as well; as is Spencer aka The_Maestro off biggie, me and him always have the meanest shark debates.

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ok this looks fun.

tae kwon do - bah muai tai is the one... ive had my ass smashed twice in inter-club thai style fights.

im also a green belt in judo and a club rep to boot!!!

also i used to be a drama student with sights on being an actor drama school and all -

but you wouldnt know that about me - get to know me before you judge me. mental illness is the same

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muay thai is pretty cool but MMA (mixed martial arts for the non violent among us) is the best, that way you gotta have skillz in all sorts of fighting, stand up and ground fighting.


I used to do judo and brazilian jiu jitsu but I tore the ligament in my elbow too many times and now it is tentatively held together with a lump of scar tissue and if I do it again I will need yet more surgery to fix it so now I am merely a spectator (and sometimes ref female MMA comps)

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here we go


Im a concert /live performance addict


been too (since I was 10) around 180 live performances of international bands,,,

have met


white zombie




sonic youth


chem bros


I was in a band that was in the rock quest national finals at the town hall in 1994


i have been on national tv about 6 times in my life..


have led protests of up to 1000 peeps twice

one against vivisection

one against a neo nazi holcaust denyer at waikato univerity who was getting his PHD, he was purged,,and is never allowed to study in new zealand again.


I see dead people and shit that hasnt happined yet


i used to drink everyday take acid every day and do at least 1 gramm o speed a day, why? cos I hated my self


When I took acid I never saw pretty stuff , instead I would rejoice in watching my freinds decompose, and if I did see pretty things Ie colours or nice stuff (this happined only once ) I felt it was a bad trip


im a 7th generation new zealander.


there are 2 victoria cross recipients in my family


My grandfather was a Queens Council for new zealand socialist.social democrat priminister Norman Kirk who was alledgedly assainated by The C.I.A. my grandfather knows the truth.


was an elected student politition I won by 750 votes


((censored..too heavy))


I will NEVER repay my student loan ,,cos I REFUSE TOO


im a flukey bastard who winds up randomly in the weirdest places with weird famous peeps wishing that I had a camera cos if I did I would have made a lot of money off of comprimiseing photos of them, (this has happined A LOT!


I have been called a terrorist by police on 4 seperate occasions


I have seen my death.


I like weird sandwiches (eg Blue cheese , corn chips.jalapenos lettuce and lotsa tobasco )


prawns are my weakness



the singer from 8ft sativa,,, once wanted to have a fight with me (thanks renee It was her fault BTW ) and then 2 hours later the drummer tried to have a go (once again thanks renee) at the same bar...


I nearly died due to magic mushrooms


i like nelly furtados music


yup there u go!

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Hrmm it wont be hard for me haha seeings as how none of you actually know me but ah well


I spent 3 years as an artillery officer in the New Zealand army.


I went to 11 schools growing up O_o


I have a black belt in Taekwon do.


bad bro! you musta got to fuck with some mean cannons and shit! whats the baddest cannon youve shot? Or whats the funniest thing youve blown up?


hahah yeah blowing stuff up was certainly a highlight The best gun ( we dont fire cannons bruv ) ive fired would have to be the FH2000 -which is operated by the singaporean army. They would bring them to waiouru to practise with them seeings how having a range of 40km there really arent too many realistic places to fire them in singapore


Its a 155mm Howitzer with an automated round rammer which basically means it fires fast as fuck. One gun can fire 3 round in about 20 seconds. FOr those of you who dont realise how large these rounds are - they are 155mm across the base and about 2 - 2.5 feet long and weigh about 25kg.


One battery which is 8 guns can fire 24 round in 20 seconds which is enough munitions to blanket a square kilometer... from 40 km away Ok did i mention they are self propelled ?? Thats right they can fold up and drive away in about 3 - 4 minutes from memory. Its been a while since i had to remember any of this shit haha and alot of mind altering substances in between


In general tho ive fired most common munitions, from assualt rifles ( Steyer AUG, m16 ) Machine guns like the GPMG and grenade launchers and various shoulder mounted rocket launchers. Ive thrown live grenades and fired live claymores ( these things kick serious fucking ass ). Pistols i havent had too much to do with except for some fun with the AOS one time


AS for blowing stuff up....Hrmm Lemmee see - those of you who are animal lovers probably shouldnt read the below -

















We used to ah.... help the govt cull Kaimanawa horses *cough* trust me they didnt feel a fucking thing. Insta-gib.


Other than that we used to drag old car bodies into the range and shoot the fuck out of em

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I used to live with a Ninja, his idea of fun was stalking us when we got home in the evenings. We had this 2 story house in South Auckland. I swear I'd come home and he'd be climbing around the outside of the house watching your every move..


But yeah so he got me into it for awhile, I've only ever done Karate and Ninjitsu but I would really like to get back into it.

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We used to ah.... help the govt cull Kaimanawa horses *cough* trust me they didnt feel a fucking thing. Insta-gib.




insta-gib... thats fucking disturbing bro! hahaha


did they just poof into a blood/chunk cloud when rained down on by a 25kg brick of steel outta the sky?

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I love sharks, wanted to become a marine Biologist but the thought of living on a boat all the time didn't apeal when I left school.


Same here! I watch the docos, read the books, and get excited when I hear about attacks. I'm afraid of them when I'm swimming, but I still want to swim amongst them. I'm going cage diving with Great Whites as soon as I can. My fave sharks are G-Dubs and Makos, although I also like Tiger and Bull sharks, even though we don't really get them in our waters. Whenever I meet a fisherman I harass them about sharks. Maybe I was attacked and killed by a shark in a past life. I dunno.


Edit: Forgot to add that those sea-wolves haunt my fucken dreams as well. Had a shark dream last night even. And also got to add, it's a weird phenomenon but there's a few other shark-freaks out there, my mate Kimmy, she's a nutter as well; as is Spencer aka The_Maestro off biggie, me and him always have the meanest shark debates.


Somebody else with a facination of them! I have met one other guy who is a shark freak like me, every time I see him we spend hours talking about them.

My Dream in to go cage diving down near seal Island, Plus I want to see the great white breach.

I am glad I'm not the only one who dreams about them

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We used to ah.... help the govt cull Kaimanawa horses *cough* trust me they didnt feel a fucking thing. Insta-gib.




insta-gib... thats fucking disturbing bro! hahaha


did they just poof into a blood/chunk cloud when rained down on by a 25kg brick of steel outta the sky?

They do when that 25kg brick of steel is actually packed with high explosive's. There wasnt really anything left to find, sometimes you would come across part of a skull somewhere and it would be hundreds of meters from any craters stuff like that.

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