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I often contemplate how awesome life would be if we were living a post-apocolyptic anarchy or under a totalitarian government waging guerilla warefare.


well, unlike kritical, i dont think it would be awesome, in fact - this is one of my biggest, if not my penultimate fear, and is a very possible reality in the years to come.

I have had many dreams/nightmares/premonitions about this scenario.


Surveillance/big brother/the frequency fence all scare the shit out of me.


I used to milk cows before school. The getting up in the dark bit, and rounding up the herd on the motorbike wasn't so bad... getting covered in shit before getting ready for a forty minute bus journey to school sucked.


I won MVP of my high school basketball team.

I was a prefect.

I took the hottest girl in school to the ball. When I was a fifth former...I think maybe she lost a bet or something, but we ended having an awesome time, rarking it up on the dancefloor, and even went to some nightclubs in whangerei a few times afterwards.

My date for the ball the next year ditched me at the last minute so i went with the bro's instead. I scored the french canadian exchange student at the after-ball.

I was expelled in fifth form for having weed at school.

It only got found because i left my bag in assembly after going on stage to receive awards for high acheivement in maths and science.(can anyone say "irony")


I am the oldest grandchild in our family.(Of two dozen cousins)


I can fix a clutch and change brake pads on most cars/motorbikes.



I first met package and co. after being dragged out of bed at three in the morning to go to a house party in kingsland.


I beleive in the existence of other realms/planes/and entities.


I beleive in the existence of intelligent extra-terrastrial life.


I can get from our front door to the supermarket in forty seconds flat.

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i wouldnt mind an apocalypse too bad. atleast it would be a change from the daily grind


my biggest fear is torture, not too much else scares me to be honest.


im pretty cold and matter of factly about most things, im not being a heartless prick, i just believe that thinking logicaly with a level head is the best way to deal with any situation rather than letting emotions take control and impair your judgement.

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i won the nz skateboarding nationals in 2001(still cant decide weather im proud of it or not)

dude thats a fucking big achievement that you should be proud of. i would be if i was you

I was at that comp, and I gotta say that after all the years of skating with beall, and streetboozing sessions at aotea square back in the day, it was awesome to see him finally get his dues. he fucking killed it with crazy flip trick runs and definately had the cruiseyest style on the day.

But, even better, was when they announced he had won, he came up onto the pyramid to receive abunch of dope stuff, which he proceeded to throw out into the crowd full of greedy grommets.

. waaaayyy too cool for prizes.

I'm pretty sure he kept the cash though? and i'm damn sure if he did that, then he would've stuck to the winners code, which is more of a guideline than actual rules, of putting a slice on the bar for the other contestants.

I hope other "sporting disciplines" adhere to this practise? anyone care to clarify?

In his own words... "If you're a dope C#*T, then it's usually ten percent...out of a grand, thats still a few drinks for the boys. "

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I often contemplate how awesome life would be if we were living a post-apocolyptic anarchy or under a totalitarian government waging guerilla warefare.


well, unlike kritical, i dont think it would be awesome, in fact - this is one of my biggest, if not my penultimate fear, and is a very possible reality in the years to come.

I have had many dreams/nightmares/premonitions about this scenario.


Knowing me I'd get sick of it after day 1 but I've always likes reading books about this type of situation, I've always liked being an underdog, I've always been interested in combative tactics.


For instance in Warsaw during World War 2 (Not the Warsaw Ghetto) sort of like that, except in my fantasies I don't get shot and we don't lose... that would just be ghey. Also in my fantasies none of my family or friends die, that too would be ghey.


Uniting to fight against an unrelenting enemy, knowing that if you chose to sit back people bad things will happen to the people you love, if you chose to fight back you're very unlikely to succeed...


I buzz out regularly basis on World War 2,,, Only two generations ago... I find it extremely fascinating to contemplate the possibilities of another major conflict in the future.. the possibilities are endless and in some cases very extreme...


Sadly as we all know the more likely scenario is that in this event we are all royally screwed by a Nuclear Winter... I used to worry about this imensely growing up, I've calmed down a bit more due to the advice my Auntie gave me once:


"The World is a Fucked up place, there's no point worrying about shit which could happen, anything could happen, I try to worry about the smaller things to keep my mind off the bigger things."

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Uniting to fight against an unrelenting enemy, knowing that if you chose to sit back people bad things will happen to the people you love, if you chose to fight back you're very unlikely to succeed...

altogether now....



yeah bro, i'm all for uniting and standing up when the time comes.

I just have impending sense of doom telling me that the time for that is nearer than we all think.

but throughout the course of history, peoples who've united to rebel against the forces of tyranny have eventually prevailed.. so there is a glimmer of hope in there.

as for the nuclear winter factor. I reckon most of new zealand will be okay for awhile... just dont eat the fish.

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I just have impending sense of doom telling me that the time for that is nearer than we all think.


At one point.while I was still in primary school standard 4, I remember very clearly being very pre-occupied with the fear of the feeling that this sort of thing was coming. Things have changed but I definatley was one paranoid mother fucker...


listening to profits like Nostradamus (Fuckin tool) probably didn't help... our household flatmate probably didn't help. Bitch told me she believed it too... she was in her thirties telling an impressionable kid that the world is going to end. Think she even said something like "It's ok for me, but you haven't even made it to your teens yet"... fucking crack-pot bitch, freaked me out for nothing.

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hate to be mr doom and gloom - but a nuclear winter will fuck everyone over - I do mean everyone =( We will just be the last to feel the effects =/


Lately this has been mass-debated (*snort* *giggle*) and a lot of people are of the oppinion that the TTAPS crew (They originally wrote the 1990 Paper "Climate and Smoke: An Appraisal of Nuclear Winter" and created the well-known conception of Nuclear Winter) vastly over-estimated the effects of a Nuclear War on Climate. There's virtually no argument against the fact the climate would change but not to the extent of which people generally imagine.


Thread is hijacked... stay calm

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I just have impending sense of doom telling me that the time for that is nearer than we all think.


At one point.while I was still in primary school standard 4, I remember very clearly being very pre-occupied with the fear of the feeling that this sort of thing was coming. Things have changed but I definatley was one paranoid mother fucker...


listening to profits like Nostradamus (Fuckin tool) probably didn't help... our household flatmate probably didn't help. Bitch told me she believed it too... she was in her thirties telling an impressionable kid that the world is going to end. Think she even said something like "It's ok for me, but you haven't even made it to your teens yet"... fucking crack-pot bitch, freaked me out for nothing.






have u guys ever wondered why I call me gigs EndX (endtimez)

well there u



shits hitting the fan and its only gonna get worse, I have been preparing my self for >>> Inserting sepultura quote now


"war of ages everything so unknown, labratory sickness infects humanity, no hope for cure,,, tired fucking euelagy,,,(notice I cant spell that word).. remorse , repent remorse we are dead, embryonic cells"


yup its all going to hell in a hand basket


sall good im ready

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i suppose i am proud of it but everytime someone brings it up i feel embarrassed.like i said....undiagnosed mental problem.


Well done to anyone how accomplishes anything like this... I don't care if you're rollerblading, rollerskating, figure-dancing or skate-boarding... if it's cool or not isn't the point... it's that you fuckin pwned the other entrants... naaa but yea

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catalyst once won a medal for being the faggiest fag of the fagfag's at fag camp in fagdad




but i do agree with the big ups to winners and shame on your name to the losers part!



rep what you got even if its not a lot.

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catalyst once won a medal for being the faggiest fag of the fagfag's at fag camp in fagdad


i agree, big ups to winners, shame on your name to the losers..


So you came second in that contest Pakage?... bleh - ive read over it and its not funny anymore (not that it was the first time)... posting anyway =p

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on that note,


i used to swim competitvely for the onehunga/jeleco pools team when i was a kid.


i kept pwning everyone in my age group so they bumped me up and when i was 12 i was racing 15 year olds. I never actually won a race against those guys, but i didnt come last either.. shame on the 15 y/o's that got pwnd by lil ol' 12 y/o me..


points and laughs.

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catalyst once won a medal for being the faggiest fag of the fagfag's at fag camp in fagdad


i agree, big ups to winners, shame on your name to the losers..


So you came second in that contest Pakage?... bleh - ive read over it and its not funny anymore (not that it was the first time)... posting anyway =p

Nah, you and Catalyst tied for first so that made me get third place, but i later got disqualified for being straight


I like men... in a sexual way


see... theres no way im thaaaaat faggy.. jeez mike.. what are you up to bro. keep it clean.

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This one time in intermediate I ditched my dance partner on the morning of the inter-school dance comp to play counterstirke. Someone stepped up and got a principals award for helping her out.


I'm not really proud of it because CS is made of fail and aids, but dance was mandatory.


Then I was thrown out of the dance team (by the dance teacher) because I used to undo girls bras whilst we were dancing.


Ironicly enough the dance teacher went to jail later that year for paedophilia and inappropriate behaviour with his female dance students.

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Ironicly enough the dance teacher went to jail later that year for paedophilia and inappropriate behaviour with his female dance students


DOOOOOOD!!! Lemme guess, Mr Currywood????

That fucken pervert was my teacher and I had to change class because he harassed me so much!!

They weren't gonna let me change either until my Ma kicked up a huge fuss.




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on that note,


i used to swim competitvely for the onehunga/jeleco pools team when i was a kid.


i kept pwning everyone in my age group so they bumped me up and when i was 12 i was racing 15 year olds. I never actually won a race against those guys, but i didnt come last either.. shame on the 15 y/o's that got pwnd by lil ol' 12 y/o me..


points and laughs.


swimming is mean exercise.


i swim a bit more than a km three times a week at newmarket pools.


it counter-balances my behaviour in the weekends

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