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Turbo Custard

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It seems like we are coming up with a whole heap of buzzy clips at the moment so i figured why not give them their own thread. Can an admin sticky this if you think its worthwhile:)


First up - short vid of a guy in martial arts training doing some INSANELY fast punches ... check it out



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Excellent, I especially like the real old clip where the dude ends up lying over the ropes... kinda reminds me of that simpsons ep where homer is fighting that dude and ends up bent over the fire hydrant...


I have a King of the Cage DVD where there is a 6 second knockout... admittedly the guy that throws the punch looks like he has been on steroids since early childhood.

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ok so i searched sniper - sue me.


Check this tho - US marine gets shot in iraq with a sniper round but survives due to body armour. !!

click me


boh! thats ruthless.. that dude gets dropped hard!!


u'd think a sniper would know to aim for the head tho

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ok so i searched sniper - sue me.


Check this tho - US marine gets shot in iraq with a sniper round but survives due to body armour. !!

click me


boh! thats ruthless.. that dude gets dropped hard!!


u'd think a sniper would know to aim for the head tho

haha yeah pretty stupid really, but what do yo uexpect when the yguy behind the trigger probably used to be a camel farmer before the yanks invaded

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haha CounterStrike - Train your Taliban Today !


yup, i woulda HS that dude with my AWP, then knife run for cover. Box camp till more n00bs run past.. spammm them with my deagle, smoke grenad in the opposite direction to create a diversion, flash around the corner.. charge out and AWP them while theyre still blind. Then run at the remaining dude strafing while i reload and jump crouch at him AWPing the the guy in the face no scope mid air..



this guy is my idol Too much CS:S

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Craig.. you'd be like..


Knife run, Duck behind the box, Run-Jump-Strafe, Spam, "Boom Headshot!!!", back behind the box, reload.


Then the army would shoot a TOW Missile at you and waste you..


I can just imagine you saying "WTF WAS THAT!?! FUCKING HAX0RS!!!!"


Sorry to anyone who doesn't play online games, you'll not understand this joke at all

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he's be sitting in the briefing room yellin "Storm the front!" and as soon as he's on the ground yelling "GO GO GO!" as he sprints off into a solo rush.


Someone will hear him say "fuckin campers" and that'll be the last anyone hears of him till they find his body.


...yea, I'm a CSS fiend too

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