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Dr Awesome

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Had one of my most fun new years' yet. Casual outdoor party out in the sticks with all my favourite people, drinking for a stupidly long time, sunrise watching etc. Bring on 2011.


I would like an in depth review of Phat now please, make me weep.


i heard only 3000 people went.. and that stage 2 was missing??

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Had one of my most fun new years' yet. Casual outdoor party out in the sticks with all my favourite people, drinking for a stupidly long time, sunrise watching etc. Bring on 2011.


I would like an in depth review of Phat now please, make me weep.


i heard only 3000 people went.. and that stage 2 was missing??

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i heard only 3000 people went.. and that stage 2 was missing??






had a chilled new years in a batch with some mates in ohope that overlooked the sea. lots of beach n booze - great times. as of 2011 i am now officially a non-smoker as well...


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Doc, you already know what i did for NY but thought id share with the rest.


Went up to Taupo Bay for 8 or so days. Had a blast. Caught rock crabs and ate them, harvested mussels, lay on the beach, went swimming, had a mix and a rave on NYE.


Good times with the Crew!


Happy New Years Everyone!

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kicked it in AK....

went to red bar got rinsey

went to "Resolution" @ rising sun... def worst gig of 2010..

had a weird reaction wen a small half hit my stomach power chucked all over the sink and most of it rebounded off the mirror and basin and back on my face..laughed.. cleaned my shit up, escaped. went back to red bar... looked after a dude who was a regular turkey and triple dropped qnd lost it... went to fu... but 50 peeps there,, went home rinsed it til 10 pm the next day with me neighbour and me best mate... laughed and discussed time and media and the fact that we had been peoples saviors and good samaritans all night.. had like 8 diff peeps wanting us for help ... was very strange..


has resolved to NEVER spend another new years in AK EVER again!... but other than that had a dope night....

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Doc, you already know what i did for NY but thought id share with the rest.


Went up to Taupo Bay for 8 or so days. Had a blast. Caught rock crabs and ate them, harvested mussels, lay on the beach, went swimming, had a mix and a rave on NYE.


Good times with the Crew!


Happy New Years Everyone!


Twas deliciously low key indeed. Even introduced the little one to the rave.

Might have to sort him some I.D. and get him started on here.


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Bass Jump - Melbourne


Epic Party

Great Holiday

Hot Women

Must move to Melbourne stat!



Managed to get to this straight from Falls Festival. Good good times.


Nice one! Break seriously took the venue apart that night. VIP's of Slow Down & Bladerunner's Back To The Jungle ensured ripped undies from bassweight pressure. dBridge's dubstep(ish) set was quite dope too.


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How was new years then?


Fucken awesome... at the last minute we decided to look at hiring a house somewhere out of Aucks and ended up landing a huge 5-double room holiday/party house in Paihia, up in the bush kinda, with views over to the Waitangi lighthouse...sick pad. Will definitely return.


Needless to say we lived exceptionally healthy the whole time, kept things ultra quiet and civilised, and didn't cause any disturbances.


Followed this up with a slow trip back to Aucks stopping in at Sandy Bay, Tutukaka, Waipu Cove etc. Primo. A+++ will trade again.

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Caught rock crabs and ate them


Wicked bro, how exactly did you catch them?


we went armed with a stick, tongs, gloves, a bucket and the spear i bought for spear fishing.


Worked pretty well, we managed to catch 8 or 9 of the suckers one morning which was enough to have a bit of lunchtime snack for the whanau back at the batch!

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How was new years then?


Fucken awesome... at the last minute we decided to look at hiring a house somewhere out of Aucks and ended up landing a huge 5-double room holiday/party house in Paihia, up in the bush kinda, with views over to the Waitangi lighthouse...sick pad. Will definitely return.


Sounds mean, is it up for rent to the general public?

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Had a bit of a Hoedown at Unkle Jed's place, legendary Eastsider and Dubstep scenester.


Featutres included Pool, BBQ, Spa, Bouncy castle, Outdoor 'treehut' soundsystem with decks, streaming live to the world.


Evidence here>

pics- http://www.facebook.com/album.php?id=675138309&aid=251294


video- http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/11736525


8 audio recording- http://www.sendspace.com/file/0cios1


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went to "Resolution" @ rising sun... def worst gig of 2010..


Ha. Classic. Explain?

well we got there at like 1130... it was a ghost town cept fo the "eds and thurrgs" being ultra dubstep....

stood at the bar for a few minutes dranking... a dude rocked up to me, obviously one of the promoters as the choons were being etrribly mixed at extremely low volume... , dude was all about the meow mkix , gurning his tits off, ultra animated and ultra freindly, too freindly y'know?

he was like . "where u from" I pointed to the ground and uttered "here",

cos wen in newton citty its my fale..

any who he was like

"where" with a confused look on his face , eyes dialating, growing whiskers

I said , " central" he was like "ahh um yup um" nervous shuffle

"eyes darted round , gurned abit , grew a tail, and whiskers grew longer.....

"spoooooooo what kinda music u into"

I replied. " proto christian def metal bass n step"


he was like '....

" wikkid have u got any that I could hear"

at this point my mate was wetting himself...



I was like yah totally. what kinda music is this, (acting stoopid) and he was like,


Its dubstep.....!

I was like wow! fresh rad and cool... tell me more....

so he started attampting to explain dubstep and its joys and telling me aaaallll about rusko and bogore and things


.. I sed a cutting remark and we left...

went back after 12.... it was a sea of barley legal thug rat kids and dudes all being chin stroking gangstas and super stars behind the dex whilst a cavalcade of fucking useless mcs jostled for the mic trying hard to mc in there most practiced and fake uk grime accent...

gig population

16-25... shit shit shit gig

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Clooney Restaurant for dinner

$130 5 course meal

plus drinks


Fireworks - might I add that they were spectacular this year!!!


Then caught up with old high school friends at a house in Ponsonby - sat in the living room, talked about the old days, drank beer, smoked up.


Realised it was 5am and called it a night


Awesome !


then woke up 5hrs later for part 2

Brunch on the barbie w creamy mushrooms, leftover ham, scrambled eggs, tomatoes and of course chilli sauce

plus 5 bottles of bubbly


Many hairs of the dog - what a good way to spend the 1st day of the year in the sun

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Bass Jump - Melbourne


Epic Party

Great Holiday

Hot Women

Must move to Melbourne stat!




We're still in Melbourne for another week. Such an epic behemoth of a city - so much shit going on and so easy to get everywhere without having to use a car.


Bassjump was sick. Break's set was definitely the highlight for me, followed closely by a local guy called Safire.


Was unfortunately pretty disappointed with Breakage's set after looking forward to it for weeks. The shrimp smell in the bottom level wasn't that pleasant either

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