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Mars will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye


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"This month and next, Earth is catching up with Mars in an encounter that will culminate in the closest approach between the two planets in recorded history. The next time Mars may come this close is in 2287. Due to the way Jupiter's gravity tugs on Mars and pertubs its orbit, astronomers can only be certain that Mars has not come this close to Earth in the last 5000 years, but it may be as long as 60,000 years before it happens again.


The encounter will culminate on August 27th when Mars comes to within 34,649,589 miles of Earth and will be (next to the moon) the brightest object in the night sky. Mars will look as large as the moon to the naked eye . "



Got this in an email the other day, don't know if its bullshit or not, but if its true it sounds pretty cool. Can anyone else confirm if this is just spam bullcrap or if its actually true?

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teh plunder!




for all of you that dont know plunder (aka Mark), he is the co-webdesigner of this site.. (hence the title 'the architect') Him and nato slapped together the graphical side of this website for you eye candy pleasure!


cheers mate

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If that is true - we should travel there while it's close and colonize it...

Who's got a rocket ship? We may need some hot hot women too.. for procreation of course..


Pffft whatever. They'll be there to make my bed, do my washing, cook my meals, vaccuum and stroke my ego as I degenerate to honourary bloke status.

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Bloody poos


I was all excited at the possibility of seeing my 4th spacey trippy thing in my life!

but alas now im not...



im pretty lucky i think, I have seen

1)haleys comet in 1984ish

2)meteor showers that lasted fer 5 hours in 1996

3) wen the moon went blood red! (throw up your goats, it was a moment of pure apocalyptic bliss for me and my freinds who lay on our backs smoking weeed and drinking wine for 4 hours) in 1999


i was really hoping to see the god of war, be real close,,, sigh

but no

maybe wait till haleys comet comes again,,,,

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tru that kYuss tru that...

I have been waiting all my life


dont get me started on my apocalyptic visions,,,

The End....is near



That put a cold shiver down my spine. But that which follows The End will be incomprehensibly more awesome.

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tru that kYuss tru that...

I have been waiting all my life


dont get me started on my apocalyptic visions,,,

The End....is near



That put a cold shiver down my spine. But that which follows The End will be incomprehensibly more awesome.


yeah your right madz....


the end is not really a thing to b scared of, the end.. in my veiw of it, is the end of the old,,,, and a beginning of the new,,,,


however the streets will run red... as the old fights back....


but the end will b golden ,,,in the end

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tru that kYuss tru that...

I have been waiting all my life


dont get me started on my apocalyptic visions,,,

The End....is near



That put a cold shiver down my spine. But that which follows The End will be incomprehensibly more awesome.


yeah your right madz....


the end is not really a thing to b scared of, the end.. in my veiw of it, is the end of the old,,,, and a beginning of the new,,,,


however the streets will run red... as the old fights back....


but the end will b golden ,,,in the end

Well I'm sorry that I don't share your enthusiasm on this matter. The end of the world will mean the end of humanity as we know it, which will mean the end of this site, and of drum and bass. Thats just ruined my morning

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tru that kYuss tru that...

I have been waiting all my life


dont get me started on my apocalyptic visions,,,

The End....is near



That put a cold shiver down my spine. But that which follows The End will be incomprehensibly more awesome.


yeah your right madz....


the end is not really a thing to b scared of, the end.. in my veiw of it, is the end of the old,,,, and a beginning of the new,,,,


however the streets will run red... as the old fights back....


but the end will b golden ,,,in the end

Well I'm sorry that I don't share your enthusiasm on this matter. The end of the world will mean the end of humanity as we know it, which will mean the end of this site, and of drum and bass. Thats just ruined my morning




no more dnb!

id rather be dead!


doesnt that happen when the world ends?


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has anyone noticed all the ads on tv getting us ready for disasters?

the government are preparing us for the end i tells ya!!


THE END IS FUCKING NIGH" .. but the next chapter awaits. and dont worry, drum&bass will reach a new form none of us could possibly comprehend or imagine. along with everything else..

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Is it just me who has noticed a direct relationship between the amount of drugs a person does / has done, and the amount of special intuition above and beyond that of normal people they believe themselves to have?


Ok, just had to put it out there.

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looking back on this conversation we may one day be forced to conclude that Ozzy Ozbourne was right about everything he ever said post black sabbath...


...Or that the drugs can create warped views on everything sometimes creating pre-cognative delusions in some...


309z... time to form our Libra'n army and demonstrate our powers to the non-believers...

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