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Your favorite TV programs at the mo.....


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Get a grip bitch. My comment was supposed to be a response to Aphra, to let her know that discussion of Home and Away extends not only to this particular segment of the Drum and Bass community.



Get a sense of humour or try havin some fun! My intent wasn't to get ya jocks in a twist aiiight?


I shall refrain from stoopin to ya level of profanities at this stage!

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im shocked as to how many dnb heads are home and away addicts

its just weird


haha yea you'll probably find it's not just dnb heads

oh im sure its not only dnb heads...

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yeah thats easier said than done though --- thats kind of the whole point of the article. Did you read it before posting about it? if not then maybe you should if you get the chance, if so, would you say the same thing to/about a crack addict?


Usually the harder something is, the more important and rewarding it is. I did read it and I'm sure what they say has truth to it but the fact that something is addictive is not a good reason to be addicted to it, it's an excuse. You can hide behind it - "Oh but it's so addictive, I just can't turn it off" - or you can be pro-active and get a fucking grip. If you don't want to be addicted to something then don't. Change. yes it's hard but that's WHY it's worth doing. And yes I would say the same thing to a crack addict, they also need to Sort Out Their Shit. It's hard to get off but it's not impossible. /rant

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I'm not arguing that they don't need to get a grip - i'm arguing that its better to just throw the thing away altogether. I don't know many crack addicts that can have crack around and exercise "self control" in the sense of just smoking it a few times a year and be sweet. Sure there are some people that can do that with drugs (I consider myself to be in this class) and similarly with TV there are exceptions (I don't consider myself to be in this class) but as is well known - the majority of people in the developed world watch in excess of 3 HOURS PER DAY.

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And on addiction:


"animals allowed the unlimited ability to self-administer certain psychoactive drugs will show such a strong preference that they will forgo food, sleep, and sex for continued access. The neuro-anatomical correlate of this is that the brain regions involved in driving goal-directed behavior grow increasingly selective for particular motivating stimuli and rewards, to the point that the brain regions involved in the inhibition of behavior can no longer effectively send "stop" signals."


Wikipedia article - "Addiction."


p.s. I don't want comments regarding the validity of Wikipedia citation.

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And on addiction:


"animals allowed the unlimited ability to self-administer certain psychoactive drugs will show such a strong preference that they will forgo food, sleep, and sex for continued access. The neuro-anatomical correlate of this is that the brain regions involved in driving goal-directed behavior grow increasingly selective for particular motivating stimuli and rewards, to the point that the brain regions involved in the inhibition of behavior can no longer effectively send "stop" signals."


Wikipedia article - "Addiction."


p.s. I don't want comments regarding the validity of Wikipedia citation.

Don't worry, I too have read the articles about cocaine trials they ran with mice and yup, they are as bad if not worse than people. Interestingly tho, humans are the only animal who will willfully dose themselves with a psychadelic more than once.

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Two words




. Did you read it before posting about it? if so, would you say the same thing to/about a crack addict?






Some people are just weak. Mind over Matter!

Some people feel the need to go to church to feel closer to their faith, others can have faith without going to church every Sunday. Its about priorities. FFS you can be addicted on anything you want, its having the ability to recognise whats beneficial and what you prioritise and knowing you are in charge of your own destiny, situation, happiness.


People need to put things in perspective rather thinking up new ways to justify negative behaviour. Listen to ya body and use ya head. You should know if you have an addictive personality and try and create the environment in which you can florish rather than choosing to be destructive.


Bwahahahah as Dr Phil says "I want you to get excited about your life!" he he

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I read once that you burn more calories staring at a blank wall than you would staring at a TV set.. Crackup.


I like my TV though. I watch the news on it, I watch sport on it, I watch documentaries on it, I watch the odd mindless TV show on it; and yes, it definitely helps me to relax after a 'hard' day at the office.


I've smoked crack a few times too, and I think any comparisons to that and television are pretty ridiculous to be honest. Although, I would definitely treat extreme couch-potato types with the same discontempt as I would your average crackie.

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Not admiting to anything but its all about moderation!


I have spent countless weekends especailly when its raining, with DVD's, X-box games and Play station games and everything you can imagine I would feel like eating and drinking within reach!


"Let the games begin"


But in saying that I have a life, I have responsibilties that I regularly take care of and that also included looking after my two boys! Squeak and Sprout ( the G - Unit) My two cute guinea piggies who are so smart!!!!! If I did that all day everyday I'd be ambarrased at my self!

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i think there is a big difference between watching something stimulating whether it be mentally, creatively, morally or otherwise than just blobbing and watching some driville like will & grace, or some such lame, mind numbing drama or sit com. Television.. (well.. mainly computer actually.. but most of the stuff i watch on my computer has aired on TV) can be used as a great tool of knowledge.. or it can turn you into a retarded blob.


any invention can be used for good or for evil, its up to the individual to decide how they see fit to put it to use.


unfortunately, as the old story goes, the few spoil it for the many, and unfortunately you can not rely on every single person to have good judgement/common sense.. one day my idealistic society where everyone instinctivly knows right from wrong, realiseses the benefits of moderation, blah, rant, yada yada and is hence allowed much greater personal freedom will exist..


one day.. over that curved spectrum of photoelectric waves refracting through miniscule drops of hydrogen bonded with oxygen.


we'll get there...

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