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The end of suburbia


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As we come to the end of the age of oil, the suburbs and the suburban way of life are becoming increasingly unsustainable - the population densities there are so low and they are so far physically separated from the cities - i.e. connections to places of work, get food from, etc that if oil was not cheap and abundant then if you could imagine the worst possible way to design a region it would be precisely that.


"We're literally stuck up a cul-de-sac in a cement SUV without a fill-up" - James Howard Kunstler


Watch this film! Show it to your family, show it to your friends - talk about it. Write about it, rant about it. Just don't do nothing.


Buy it if you can afford it, Download the torrent if you can't but have a good internet connection, or just ask me for a copy and I'll sort something out.


The film does not have all that many new ideas if you are already well researched in the area but its a great introduction to the biggest problem our generation will face for those who are not in the loop. Even if you are in the loop, watch it cause I found it to provide a cogent analysis.


as you were

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On the d/l now, some other good torrents -


'What the *bleep* do we know?' - wack new age philosophy quasi-doco based on quantum physics. Some dubious science/conclusions but entertaining nonetheless.


'Manufacturing Consent' - old skool Noam Chomsky on media


'Why we fight' - about the US military-industrial complex and how it's existence pressures military involvement / buildup


'Metal: A Headbangers Journey' - rad doco about the history of metal


'Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room' - doco about corruption and the downfall of Enron

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Yeah I've seen the first three. Why we fight is really fucking good. Manufacturing Consent is kinda old but interesting and well made none-the-less --- the book by the same title is classic Chomsky. What the #@$! is kind of fun but scientifically misleading to put it mildly.


Another must see doco is The Corporation.


Century of the self by BBC is really good as well.

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