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Why Drum and Bass?


will drum and bass be still here in 10 years  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. will drum and bass be still here in 10 years

    • yes
    • no

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so why?

tell me/us why you are driven to go to every gig u see advertised? tell us why and how the immortal amen/tremen/boomerang makes you feel?

what exactly does it do for you? what does it not do for you?

what could be better

what could be worse?

How do u feel deep in the rinse?

what kinda places do u go to, dark. light , ecstatic?

where do u wanna see DNB in the next 10 years? will it last another 10 years?


its your turn now....

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Why am I driven to go to Drum n Bass gigs? Cause the vibe that gets going is unbelievable. It's addictive. The music is powerful. It takes you over and when you dance you move the way the music tells you to.

I've been a trained dancer all my life. You can't dance in a trained way to drum and bass, as well as over powering, the music is empowering.

I dunno. I just love it.

And everyone into DnB (that's you guys and gals) is fucking awesome. I've never known a better group of people.

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so why?

Okay I will.....

tell me/us why you are driven to go to every gig u see advertised?

I dnt go to every gig that is avdertised, I go to selected gigs when there is a need to shake and bake!

tell us why and how the immortal amen/tremen/boomerang makes you feel?

Just other tunes that aren't D & B, its how the tunes move you and the rush of bliss when you hear a coolio tune

what exactly does it do for you? See above what does it not do for you? Depends on the tunes

what could be better Venues and sound systems, ventilation

what could be worse?

How do u feel deep in the rinse?

what kinda places do u go to, dark. light , ecstatic? Moderatley lit with a good ventilation

where do u wanna see DNB in the next 10 years? Up the road

will it last another 10 years? Just like evryting else music evolves and will get more creative.

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I'm going to find out who voted no, then I'm going to trace their IP, get their home address, murder their family, chop themm up into small peices, boil them into a curry, then trick them into eating it.


Then I'm going to my lawyer to find out if this counts as admissable evidence in court.


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I'm going to find out who voted no, then I'm going to trace their IP, get their home address, murder their family, chop themm up into small peices, boil them into a curry, then trick them into eating it.


Then I'm going to my lawyer to find out if this counts as admissable evidence in court.



hahahahahahahaha look no further.....

It was me!

But before u sharpen ur knives,,,,


Drum and bass wont exist as we know it in 10 years...

drum and bass will be a new beast a better beast a cooler beast....

heheheh sorry I had to be the devils advocate



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Most likely...


Why: unless some sort of global disaster occurs and wipes or deafens out the potential D&B populus of the year 2016 (Including myself) or the means to listen to it/create is is removed.... it'll be listened to at the very least.


Where do u wanna see DNB in the next 10 years?

More and More complex...

More then stereo... surround sound me bitches.... or broadcast that shit into my head...

Seperate tracks for everything... fuck stereo, need at least 8 channels pls.... each corner and side of the club throw different samples at me.... I want different drums hitting me from every angle...


10 channels even better... I want sounds to come through the floor... I wanna hear the gates of hell opening below me and the gates of heaven make a 'clank' as they slam shut above me. or whatevs.

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Most likely...


Why: unless some sort of global disaster occurs and wipes or deafens out the potential D&B populus of the year 2016 (Including myself) or the means to listen to it/create is is removed.... it'll be listened to at the very least.


Where do u wanna see DNB in the next 10 years?

More and More complex...

More then stereo... surround sound me bitches.... or broadcast that shit into my head...

Seperate tracks for everything... fuck stereo, need at least 8 channels pls.... each corner and side of the club throw different samples at me.... I want different drums hitting me from every angle...


10 channels even better... I want sounds to come through the floor... I wanna hear the gates of hell opening below me and the gates of heaven make a 'clank' as they slam shut above me. or whatevs.

Take some acid before you go to Fu, why wait 10 years
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rofl! i wanna know who the hater that voted NO is!!


and word catalyst! dnb has gotta be one of the if not THE most technical music out there (when produced/mixed correctly).. I wanna see it reach mindbogglingly complex levels of nirvana too! talk geek to me dnb! its my native language!

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rofl! i wanna know who the hater that voted NO is!!


and word catalyst! dnb has gotta be one of the if not THE most technical music out there (when produced/mixed correctly).. I wanna see it reach mindbogglingly complex levels of nirvana too! talk geek to me dnb! its my native language!

rd*362745 already owned up to voting no....

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Its a combination of things that do it for me - the breakbeat and deep (35Hz-65Hz) sub bass blasting out of a big rig at a level which makes most people feel uncomfortable and on edge are kind of a pre-requisite but then more than anything its the vibe. For me its all about Tech on the dance floor - Hard and heavy apocalyptic beats and basslines with grimed out tear-a-hole-through-yo-mutha-fuckin-cerebral-cortex Resse's.


I think there will always be a place for dance music at 160-190bpm. DnB is kind of at the limit of how fast you can make a tune without making it impossible to dance to (or at least to dance to more than one track before collapsing). As for the immortal Amen - its always going to be there in the background as the forefather of all that is electronic music - from hip-hop to glitch - I think it will have a declining role though as we have seen with most modern tech it is becoming less and less prominent. Tramen is well past its used by date. It can whither and die for all I care.


I don't want to see drum'n'bass become too much more complex per se - gotta keep it clean and simple for the dance floor. Too many things going on and your mix becomes cluttered - too many things to lock on to and you get confused. I do want so see more complex sounds though - more twisted Reece's and heavier edit's.


Sure its gonna evolve but there will always be loud dance music at 160-190bpm which is dnb in my books.

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Tramen is well past its used by date. It can whither and die for all I care. I don't want to see drum'n'bass become too much more complex per se - gotta keep it clean and simple for the dance floor. Too many things going on and your mix becomes cluttered - too many things to lock on to and you get confused.

Exactly bro!!!! I'm all about tech artists opening up the drum track a bit, tramen is way to busy for me to get into. Its the same with most music, open up the mix a bit and it will sound better, sometimes the best parts of a tune are the things you don't put in. Example, Spor Powder Monkey, he has completely dropped his over the top furious drumming, opened it up to a more stepping beat, twisted the hell out of the synth and bass and it is killer.

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