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RIP Steve Erwin


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chill yo.. just coz the dudes dead, doesnt make him a deity.. our lord and saviour steve irwin...

i respect the man and what he did in terms of his contribution to conservation.. and always being a good laugh on TV.. and yeah.. just trying to be light hearted about something as grim as death.. and maybe i am an ignorant whitey, but bindi just cracks me up, you could imagine an aussie saying it..


hoii.. moiii naames Beeendi Oym From tazmaaanya


sorry.. im just a sick little puppy..


ez ez..

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I dont understand people who feel such an emotional loss at Steve's death - dont get me wrong its a real shame the guy has passed away - he did amazing things for animal awareness and conservation, but it doesnt make sence to me for people to be emotionally distraught when someone they dont actually know dies. A girl i work with spent most of the day crying about this... which just amazes me.


Maybe im just a heartless bastard, but when someone ive never met and dont know dies - i feel sorry for his families loss but his death doesnt atually make me sad.


Maybe its my lack of worldliness



Steve Irwin should have worn more sunblock.....




It keeps out the harmful rays !!


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I dont understand people who feel such an emotional loss at Steve's death - dont get me wrong its a real shame the guy has passed away - he did amazing things for animal awareness and conservation, but it doesnt make sence to me for people to be emotionally distraught when someone they dont actually know dies. A girl i work with spent most of the day crying about this... which just amazes me.


Maybe im just a heartless bastard, but when someone ive never met and dont know dies - i feel sorry for his families loss but his death doesnt atually make me sad.


Maybe its my lack of worldliness



Steve Irwin should have worn more sunblock.....




It keeps out the harmful rays !!



Plenty of reason why people mourn some people even if they didn't know them. You just have to think about it, but obvioulsy you can't and I dnt care enough about you to explain.

Each to their own and all that!

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I dont understand people who feel such an emotional loss at Steve's death - dont get me wrong its a real shame the guy has passed away - he did amazing things for animal awareness and conservation, but it doesnt make sence to me for people to be emotionally distraught when someone they dont actually know dies. A girl i work with spent most of the day crying about this... which just amazes me.


Maybe im just a heartless bastard, but when someone ive never met and dont know dies - i feel sorry for his families loss but his death doesnt atually make me sad.


Maybe its my lack of worldliness


You don't have to have met or known someone personally to feel upset by their death.


Some people are naturally upset more by death than others; some people will mourn only the deaths of those who they personally feel were inspirational or legendary figures.


I'm in the second basket. And I think this world could do with a lot more Steve Irwins and much less bloody whingers.


Oh and don't worry, it's not your lack of worldliness. I'm an unworldly cynical cunt myself, and this has affected me hardout.



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I dont understand people who feel such an emotional loss at Steve's death - dont get me wrong its a real shame the guy has passed away - he did amazing things for animal awareness and conservation, but it doesnt make sence to me for people to be emotionally distraught when someone they dont actually know dies. A girl i work with spent most of the day crying about this... which just amazes me.


Maybe im just a heartless bastard, but when someone ive never met and dont know dies - i feel sorry for his families loss but his death doesnt atually make me sad.


Maybe its my lack of worldliness



Steve Irwin should have worn more sunblock.....




It keeps out the harmful rays !!



Plenty of reason why people mourn some people even if they didn't know them. You just have to think about it, but obvioulsy you can't and I dnt care enough about you to explain.

Each to their own and all that!


You really need to stop taking everything so personally, its starting to get very irritating - i said i dont understand it, not that i think its stupid or irrational. So please dont take it to a personal level its so childish - lets all try and stay adults here aye ?




For the record i AM quite capable of thinking about things have been for many years, i AM quite wordly and id be fairly happy to bet ive seen and experienced more senceless deaths of people ive never met than possibly anyone who posts on these boards - perhaps thats why im hardened to the deaths of strangers.


As i said earlier, i can 100% sympathise with Terri, Bindi and Bob, its possibly the most devastating and traumatic thing to ever happen in their lives. I wouldnt wish that kind of emotional distress on my worst enemy.


However for a woman who has never had any more contact with steve than via the telly on a tuesday night to be so devastated that she practically couldnt work all day beause she couldnt stop crying .... im sorry but thats JUST WEIRD.

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i AM quite wordly


damn straight!



yeah.. i know what you mean cuz. that does seem a little over the top to even me.. think about how many random people would have been crying world wide when they heard princess diana died... Dont get me wrong either.. great lady, worth tears shed no doubt..


but what i found strange was.. as in this case... when diana died, it seemed that people all of a sudden seemed to care deeply about her and her work and what she stood for, even though they'd never made a peep about it before.. but thats just how the world is huh!? often it takes a terrible tradgedy to make us realise how good it was before...

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I concur...


Taking this personally displays an immaturity towards the whole subject... taking other peoples oppinions in this subject and turning them into a personal attack towards them is just whack.


frankly, half the shit you say is whack


(Did I just contradict myself?)

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He actually really irritated me, but this does not make him any less deserving of peaceful rest and fond remembrance by those who did like him. I appreciate his contributions to conservation and creature-welfare and I'm sure he will become legendary. I'm not sad but have sympathy for his wife and children.


We all slip off this mortal coil at some point and personally I think such an end was quite fitting (although I agree, a croc would've been more appropriate). Tragedy would have been for a man like that to grow old and decrepit. Tragedy would've been filling our screens and ears with that grating nasal twang for even longer.


Edit: Spelling, spelling, spelling! I'm just not on the ball today. Damnit!

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