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Mexico City - Five severed heads were thrown onto a crowded dance floor, accompanied by a note that read


"The Family does not kill for money. It does not kill women. It does not kill innocents. It kills only those who deserve to die. Everyone take note - this is divine justice"


Could you do that? Assume the role of Karmic Policeman and top someone because 'they deserve' it? I think it's horrific. Nobody 'deserves' to die, ever, or if they do it is not for us mere mortals to judge, let alone administer justice.


Hurting someone because they hurt you or someone you love is a natural thing to wanna do. But I believe you should forgive them. Their own conscience will punish them so many million times over and above anything you could inflict upon them.


If I can forgive them then I can released from the bind of pain associated with that person, I've won. So long as I can forgive, I'll be ok. Wrong may be a moral absolute but it is no less relative for the fact.


Thus I aspire to forgiveness, admittedly I don't always 'turn the other cheek' as such, and have thrashed a couple that 'deserved it' (much the mental anguish of my poor mother) but I can only try.


So, what do you think? Forgiveness or Vengeance?

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good topic...


I belive in forgivness 98 percent of the time, and revenge only in extreme cases,


But on the question of killing, I think that it is definantly in my being somewhere.


I have often toyed with what ifs, and maybes, and thoufght about varibles on allign with this,


I think If i had to, like if it meant survival for me above and beyond all others in a situation where all rules are null and void , I would gladly and possibly quite happily kill,,,


But thats an extreme case im talking about, like a apocalyptic moment where it was "me or them"\


Or another time that I would kill would be whilst rounding up facists, but basically any commited facist in my mind and in a situation that would allow it, would be easy and fair game to me...

but only in these situations would I contemplate taking another life, and knowing my personality , I would find it hard living with the memory , and the universal karma of these acts.

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The idea that these guys threw the head in with the note that it was 'divine justice' shows an inconsistency in their thinking - how can the justice they meted out be 'divine' if they are carrying it out on earth? Unless perhaps they are merely transporting the 'souls' of whomever they killed to the realm of the divine for 'early' judgement.


One can be 'moral' without subscribing to the idea that there are Universal Moral Truths. I personally subscribe to a view of morality that grows out of the perspective of Evolutionary Psychology / Biology. For many this means that there is no absolute moral truth, but rather humans create systems of meaning for themselves and their social groups. These systems of meaning include ideas about what is right or wrong, and they are reinforced socially, and continually. With this in mind, I think vengeance is appropriate in some circumstances, because I don’t think there is a divine judge looking down on me. However, it would only be appropriate in the circumstances where I figured it would not do me a psychological disservice. For example, my vengeance taking becoming a pre-cursor to a life of guilt. For most circumstances forgiveness is conducive to the most societal harmony, and from an evolutionary perspective, the health of the social group, and therefore its survival.

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That sounds like a good movie in the making,


My oppinion.. it depends on the situation..


Say for instance if someone accidentally kills your family member in a car crash.. maybe they were drunk at the time.. this would not require decapitation.


However for example someone tortures and sexually assaults a family member of yours and then they die in the hospital in agonising pain.. this requires decapitation.



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It does not kill women.


What i want to know is.. why dont they kill women? how come women are immune to the karmic police? surely women that commit evil deeds should bear the consequence of their actions aswell as men, if thats whats going on?


In most circumstances forgiveness is the right option. Being the better person and not stooping to their level is very important.. Without this train of thinking we could quickly degenerate into a vicious cycle of bloodshed and death.


This said I believe that there are some crimes heinous enough to require earthly vengance! But i dont know who i would choose to be worthy to appoint as judge on these matters. Everyones morals are different. But just incase there is no afterlife where the deserving get punished, i believe it is appropriate to take vengence on someone who severly deserves it. Whether they deserve death is another matter.. maybe they just deserve some pain? really depends on the situation.



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This said I believe that there are some crimes heinous enough to require earthly vengance! But i dont know who i would choose to be worthy to appoint as judge on these matters. Everyones morals are different. But just incase there is no afterlife where the deserving get punished, i believe it is appropriate to take vengence on someone who severly deserves it. Whether they deserve death is another matter.. maybe they just deserve some pain? really depends on the situation.





Im in your boat bo - 99% of the time, its more satisfying to let the persons own guilt about their actions burn them up. A guy who was a really close friend of mine hooked into my ex about 3 weeks after we broke up. Rather than smack the living crap out of him ( and make no mistake it was considered ) i decided to instead take him out for a drink, sat him downand just said "do what you gotta do man, im not your mate, i have no respect for you and i think what you have done is the most disrespectful thing a mate can do to another mate"


I ould see in his eyes he wanted me to hit him, he pretty much said as much, i think if you resort to vengance against people, they almost feel as though they have paid the price for their actions and that they can the nforget about it.


Im a much more cruel bastard than that, and i happily admit i hope the guilt and self-disgust eats at him for the rest of his life


So in short - be the better person, laugh at their foolish short sightedness and walk away with karma, self respect and your own pride intact.

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