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RIP 9/11


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rest in peace!



innocent civilians should not be casualties of war like the attrocites that occurred on this grim day in 2001.. I guess, by proxy, the civilians are considered guilty in the eyes of the extremists.. but still..


where were yall when you heard this news? My dad came and woke me up at the ungodly hour of 7.30am (on a school day) and shouted in my face "YOUR GOING TO WAR BOY!"




i was just like WTF.. threw on a cradle of filth long sleeve teeshirt and crawled to the couch to watch the mayhem!


i dunno quite why this seemed soo horrific to the western world, thousands die every month around the world from war and tyrannical regimes.. I guess that it just slapped us all in the face and let us know that infact the world is pretty fucked up and maybe we should take a little more time to help with global issues?


its a pity that it had to come to that to get a message across..


what are your thoughts?

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i was online and someone said a plane had just flown into it, and everyone started laughing, then someone said it was true, so i turned on bbc and viola there it was. Got to watch the whole thing unfold from the first plane on ... spent the whole day with flatmate's watching bbc.


best special effects ever!

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I remember getting up for work at some awful hour (hospo breakfast chef) going to work but hearing it on the news during my break,

made me feel sick


I don't get how people can go to the sort of measure to prove a point

but then I am a pussy who hates conflict.


I had friends in New York that day, many whose families have been tragically affected by what has happened


All I could think at the time (and when Bush declared war) was who wants to bring up kids in a world like this.


amazing how things like this you can pin point exactly where you were and what you were doing, same with Princess Diana's Death

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I can't remember where I was when I heard about Princess Dianna..


I can however vividly remember 9/11 (or... 9/12 for New Zealand)


My dad woke me up at 6am and said "America is under attack, buildings are on fire, looks like war"..


Took the day off and watched the news with my brothers, we were all talking about the possible implications....

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i don't think it was a conspiracy


i'd been at my mate antons place smoking cones all night, came back @ 2am and stuck talkback radio on (i was in a talkback phase at the time)


after about half an hour i thought to myself 'hmmmm this news report has been on for quite some time now, where's the talkback' so i listened closely, and heard that the world was ending


then i went to the lounge and flicked on the TV and watched it all unfold live..


fuck, it was soooo intense when the footage came in of the second tower coming down... will never forget it

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i rekkon the pentagon one was BS..


have you seen that security camera footage of the plane that hit the pentagon? the tape was sketchy no doubt.. but there is no way in hell that what was in that video tape was the plane that was claimed by the US Government to have crashed into the pentagon.. the FBI confiscated all footage of it, but one got leaked, and even the websites hosting that one video all got shut down! the crash would have been captured by atleast 7 security cameras in the area.. with soo much footage of the two towers, you woulda thought atleast some of the footage featuring the attack on the pentagon woulda been released to the media.


Im still unsure 5 years later as to exactly what went down that day and why.. but some of the details do seem shady to me



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was definetly a crazy day, can remember my aunty called at about 5am and i abused the fuck out of her for calling so early....dont think i ever apologised actually

its still seems unreal seeing some of the footage today.













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rest in peace!



innocent civilians should not be casualties of war like the attrocites that occurred on this grim day in 2001.. I guess, by proxy, the civilians are considered guilty in the eyes of the extremists.. but still..


where were yall when you heard this news? My dad came and woke me up at the ungodly hour of 7.30am (on a school day) and shouted in my face "YOUR GOING TO WAR BOY!"




i was just like WTF.. threw on a cradle of filth long sleeve teeshirt and crawled to the couch to watch the mayhem!


i dunno quite why this seemed soo horrific to the western world, thousands die every month around the world from war and tyrannical regimes.. I guess that it just slapped us all in the face and let us know that infact the world is pretty fucked up and maybe we should take a little more time to help with global issues?


its a pity that it had to come to that to get a message across..


what are your thoughts?


Well said craig...


On the day of 9/12 we (the political group i was involved with) had just left an occupation that we had at a university that I went to , that was against a holocaust denier that was doing his professorship at the university I was attnding ,

On the day of 9/12 we had been arranging a major "anti american imperialist and capitalist carnival", where we were going to wild cat occupy various american interests and this would culminate in political speakers and bands at the end of the day.

Needless to say we didnt forfill our desires,

I can clearly remember the confusion the fear and the sorrow that we all felt as we watched it all unfold live (we were organising the days events at the time).


Previous to this in new zealand and through out the world the left was mobilising heavily and the 9/11 in the northern hem and 9/12 in the southern , was a global day of action against american corprate capitalism.

I can remember the levels of discourse and radicalism coming through HARD before this, and then the subsequent demoralisation and imploding of the various movements.


I too had a freind in new york, she lived a few miles away from the WTC, she rang me later that night ,, and explained what was happining,, and I will never forget it, and what I thought as she told me, and what we now all know (in the left)

On that day we had lost.

The american war machine now had a mandate , and nothing would stop it.


this was my 9/11 5 years ago.

however the struggle still lives, but now it is focused on our back yard, and issues that effect us in new zealand,

remember all the casualties that died and will die in vain due directly to this shameful and senseless events R.I.P


::end radical left wing rant::

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Can we rename this thread Kicking A Dead Dog?


I was in third form, getting ready for school and mum came and and told me the World Trade Centre had just been bombed. I didn't even know what the World Trade Centre was (give me a break, I was thirteen ok? My World was Centred around Trading gossnippets).


I didn't care then and I don't care now.


Yeah people died, sucks to be them. It's not cool that it happened and I have sympathy for the people that lost loved ones in the attacks. Actually no, that's not true. I really don't give a shit. People die All The Time.


The whole thing has been blown so spectacularly out of proportion. I almost wish someone would fly a plane into something bigger and better just so we could change the global media focus.

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But Madz, surely you aren't insinuating that there could possibly be anything or anywhere bigger/better/more important and newsworthy than America and its inhabitants?




It's called sarcasm aiight... And no this does not mean that I hate all Americans and want them to die.

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Can we rename this thread Kicking A Dead Dog?


The whole thing has been blown so spectacularly out of proportion.


Totally agree! Its ridiculous, as i said..

i dunno quite why this seemed soo horrific to the western world, thousands die every month around the world from war and tyrannical regimes.. I guess that it just slapped us all in the face and let us know that infact the world is pretty fucked up and maybe we should take a little more time to help with global issues?


and ROFL at this:

But Madz, surely you aren't insinuating that there could possibly be anything or anywhere bigger/better/more important and newsworthy than America and its inhabitants?


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So what do people think will be next to happen? How long before the next attack on America, and what will be done? Personally I think they will wait for a long time after 9/11. they have certainly done their job scaring the civilans...it will be huge.

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"But people die everyday, in war etc"


^ Sure, but how often does the tallest building in one of the biggest and most important Western cities in the world get destroyed by Muslims flying fucken airplanes flying into it? Never! That's fucken intense!


I don't think it's really been blown out of proportion, it was an extraordinary piece of history to witness by any measure. However, one could argue that most of the exposure (from US media sources) was overly sentimental and patriotic and ignorant of the underlying reasons for why it happened in the first place.. Still, it definitely woke up a lot of people to the actions of the US in the Middle East.


Moral of the story: Be nice to America, otherwise they'll bring democracy to your country!

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i don't think it was a conspiracy


i'd been at my mate antons place smoking cones all night, came back @ 2am and stuck talkback radio on (i was in a talkback phase at the time)


Surely not on a school night


Haha- well in all fairness it was a Tuesday night, so the next day was a Wednesday which is a half-day So I only missed half a day

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how often does the tallest building in one of the biggest and most important Western cities in the world get destroyed by Muslims flying fucken airplanes flying into it? Never! That's fucken intense!


I have faith in the east. They can do better.


How about having the Golden Gate Bridge, Big Ben and the Statue Of Liberty simultaneously morph into robo-titans that set forth an unstoppable spree of destruction. Actually that may as well be mass destruction. At least that way when Bush and his lapdog start on their Righteous Retribution campaign they can cut out those tedious "Where's Wally? Spot the WOMD!" steps.

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So what do people think will be next to happen?


I have no idea but I know a few things which wont be happening...


Western military powers wont be leaving the middle east (Saudi Arabia)


Extremist groups wont stop planning terrorist attacks


The world wont stop laughing at Bush's liguistic skills

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how often does the tallest building in one of the biggest and most important Western cities in the world get destroyed by Muslims flying fucken airplanes flying into it? Never! That's fucken intense!


I have faith in the east. They can do better.


haha, me too.

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I like the national monuments morphing into giant robots of destruction idea, now that would be well cool! And probably not out of the taleban's price range either considering how much money osama and the rest of the middle east's wealthy has.. Id really like to see the presidents rise out of Mt. Rushmore and combine forces with the statue of liberty and go on a destructive rampage of irony and symbolism through out the United states.. that would rock.


Save teh righteous.. Punish teh deserving..


i think the teleban needs to collab with the dudes from ghost busters 2! they got the old statue of liberty rockin along quite nicely with that goo stuff and some old school beats and basslines..



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