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I'm not dead. Part-time mangled corpse this week though.


I havn't been spray tanned myself, but having watched many others dabble with the miracle-orange I do know that should you venture down that dubious path you should be REEALLY careful, and do NOT put it on your face. In sixth form my arch-enemy/nemesis Carly Honey got spray tanned to hideous effect. It was awesome, she looked so hilarious. She got so much crap, and it wasn't like I needed any new material. Man highschool makes you mean.

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Nobody likes to be reminded of an Orangutan when they're looking at their girl.



Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Sides hurt

love it


and the story sounds familiar to someone I know *damn crack whore*


But if you get it done at the right place it can look good


Take it nobody here has had that experience?

damn will just have to show my pearlie white legs and blind everybody


but we are all geeks in here we should do it all at the same time then people in outta space will see the shine!!!!

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When I am, on occasion, dragged kicking and screaming from my little electrical cave I make sure to liberally bathe in sunscreen. I like my ethereal luminescent glow.


Plus, if I get a tan the KKK might revoke my season membership, then I might actually have to start paying the little african kids who clean my house. Horror!

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Yeah but the indonesian guys tend to take an unhealthy interest in my underwear drawer (seriously, we had an indonesian cleaner when I was living at home and he was Dodge-E). Apologies to any indonesians who may read this, but your ethnic demographic is forever tainted in my mind

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I wounder if those little indonesian panty sniffers take part in the old sun cream.Maybe they were told little girls panties should be sacrificed to the sun gods,for wat reason i have no idea,and im not sure were im going but how old were you when this happend.(kiddy fiddler maybe)


Has anyone had any skin cancer scares.


And more to the point wats with sniffn panties anyway,if there in a draw usauly means there clean right.(asuming wat level of hygine is maintaind)


Did you catch the guy in the act.

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I can't offer any insight into the world of panty-sniffers but I do know about spray tans.


If you get the kind where you go to a salon and they airbrush it on the results are excellent, no streaking or patchiness and it looks really natural. The downer is you are pretty much naked (I don't count transparent paper g-strings as clothing) and you have to contort yourself while a 40kg blonde girl with fake nails as long as your forearms studiously sprays the stuff on. Not exactly a relaxing scenario but if you have an event that you don't wanna be pasty for it's worth it.

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... my arch-enemy/nemesis Carly Honey...


For real?? Sounds like daddy named her after his favourite porn star or something!


Well perhaps it's not surprising that her sole ambition in life was to become a Playboy Bunny. Come On!! What the fuck kind of career aspiration is that? Yes I was a bitch in highschool but some people are just So Retarded you can't help but talk smack to them.

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